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[05 May 2020|12:28am]
What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?

Hold onto your nuts, this ain't no ordinary blow job.


I am glad you were found and are on the mend. I'm sorry that you had to endure what you did. I would have stopped in for a visit but two Snivellus' would have been rather suspicious, and quite frankly, double the ugly. I'm not sure the world could handle that much.


I do hope you're doing fine? I know we haven't touched base in a while. I've been a bit preoccupied.


Don't expect messages like this one often. But I know how much in love you are and couldn't disappoint.

5/4/2005; morning [05 May 2020|12:41am]
[Private: Alastair]
    Can I have a friend over while you're at work?
[Private: Dennis]
    Are you working today?

[05 May 2020|08:59am]
[People who won't look down on/judge her]

Sometimes it really sucks when your parents are servants for your in-laws.

Went over to visit my parents today. It was going really well, sitting in the kitchen, talking to Mum as she cooked like old times, Dad was having tea and pretending not to listen to the gossip...

And then my mother-in-law comes in to check about dinner that night, and is absolutely horrified no-one told her I came for tea.

I assured her that it was fine, that I had only come to visit my parents, and you could just see the instant she remembered. She got all flustered for a moment, and then goes:

"Oh well, since you're here, we should probably talk about the dinner party I'm planning."

I was about to argue and say that I was busy, but Mum gave me that look that all little girls know, and I shut my mouth and ended up in the parlour instead.

[ viewing | May 5th, 2020 ]
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