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[06 May 2020|02:20am]
La Rioja and Avignon so far are tied for my favorite to visit, although I will admit I may yet try and talk Hector into a home in La Rioja. I may talk Hector into going back for a few more days. I'm in no hurry to return to

| Jacen |
You should have an owl soon with a few gifts for you and your wife.

| Chaz |
They didn't have any harlots small enough to owl you, so I sent you a map of the redlight district in Avignon and a back up one for Paris instead.

| Alastair |
You would love La Rioja. It's beautiful there.

[06 May 2020|02:37am]
| Rabastan |
Why did you give Smith permission to kidnap me? I thought....I trusted you.

| Dax |
Don't panic when you don't see me inside. I'm not far. I just went outside. I just...I can't sit in the house. It feels...

I start feeling like I'm trapped.

[06 May 2020|02:39am]
Day four in a row of six cups of coffee to stay awake during my shift and then staring at my ceiling because I then can't fall to sleep. The cycle is killing me. There is one hour left in my shift and then I have three days off again. I can make one hour, right?

Second thought, another cup of coffee wouldn't hurt.

[06 May 2020|02:44am]
| Neville |
Are you really sure this whole revolution is what you want? I'll help you and I'll keep you alive, but be sure, mate. There's no going back once you ring that bell.

| Betina |
Are you staying at the Malfoy kitchens or are you coming back to the Longbottoms?

[06 May 2020|03:06am]
| Lucia |
Any new bodies getting you excited lately?

[06 May 2020|03:09am]
When is Quidditch coming back?

| Lisa |
How are you holding up love?

| Oberon |
You should come over tonight.

| Terence |
Still healing properly or have you thrown yourself from that penthouse view out of boredom?

[06 May 2020|03:12am]
Today is not a very good day. And, why is someone cooking meat in their quarters?

| Greg |
I'm coming over. I can't stand that smell.

| Edgar |
...I really could be on regular duty. Just not near the kitchens.

[06 May 2020|03:39pm]
Trent Mulciber

I know we formally met at the Easter Ball, but I'd like to meet you outside of a formal environment to get to know you properly. Want to grab a beer at some point?

[06 May 2020|06:51pm]
The wedding was a wonderful event, congratulations to the bride and groom on a wonderful day.

Gross Bros
I need to get drunk. Let's go have some fun. I need to completely reasses my plan of attack on Marguerite.

[06 May 2020|07:53pm]
I hold my drink well, it takes me a lot to get me drunk but Merlin sometimes I think I'm still drunk from Katie's party. I've at least had a headache since then and been dehydrated no matter how much water I drink.

Yes I have taken a potion for it.

[ viewing | May 6th, 2020 ]
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