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[04 May 2020|02:07am]
I don't know how to feel right now. I can't sleep. I'm afraid that I'll wake up back in

| Kyal |
Wouldn't have any sleeping draught, namely dreamless sleep, would you?

| Lisa & Cho |
Can you empty out my office? Take my personal effects and send them to my parents for me.

| Neville |
Release everything I've given you. Not just Orion's sins but all of it. Let the public know what they're supporting.

[04 May 2020|02:42am]
There is a witch in Diagon Alley that has trained her owls to hoot "Mr.Sandman" in tune and do a little squat dance, and I was absolutely entranced. Who knew that owls can be so talented.

[Justin Finch-Fletchley]
Your kitchen is finally done. I'm sorry it took me so long, but I think it turned out looking rather nice!

The next full moon is Thursday. Please take care.

[04 May 2020|04:50pm]
I mean I get the constant supervision and I appreciate not being alone but also it is a lot. Is that weird? I feel like that is weird. I also want to go home, but I know that isn't an option right now.

How does one not feel safe but also like the attention is too overbearing at the same time?

[04 May 2020|08:34pm]
I believe it is past time that you and I talk.


[ viewing | May 4th, 2020 ]
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