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Jun. 5th, 2010


Okay. Blah. Yes, I have been a little absent the last couple of weeks. I had a business trip to organise and then go on and since it was my database I was doing stuff with, I couldn't exactly slough the work off on anybody else. *sigh* *headdesk* I've been sleeping a lot since I got back.

Anyhoo, I've spoken to Caleb about certain things but if anyone has anything else I should look at or know about or sign up for with either Rodolphus, Fenrir, Aberforth and my new boy, Rufus Scrimgeour (who I didn't have a chance to throw into the game or even introduce before I got busy but he's around on [info]scrimmager if you want to have a look at him.)

Now I have to go out and do some shopping or I'll never get it done. I'll be back later today to catch up!

Jun. 3rd, 2010


{X-posted at all my games}

Hey all. My bff/maid of honor's mom died early this morning, so I'm going to be going on hiatus because the next week is going to be a bit made of madness. I agreed to help with the funeral, and all of this is happening 2 hours from where I live and I don't have a car.

I will probably still be around, but when I am I can't guarantee my creativity will be functioning at all. Hence the hiatus.

And if you believe in God or good vibes or karma or whatever - if you could send them toward my BFF and her family in Milwaukee, I'd really appreciate it. Cancer is made of fail.

Jun. 2nd, 2010


I'm baaaack....

As you've probably noted from my commenting and such, I actually survived the month of May, in spite of working 110 hours in two weeks - the majority of it in the last four days of the month. I've got quite a bit to catch up on - mostly in terms of posting entries. This is my apology for the flood of your friend's page which is about to occur.

Also, I wanted to post Dedalus' entry before he was arrested and didn't get around to it. I'm going to backdate it, but I just wanted to give you warning, so you guys didn't think he was some how magically in possession of his journal while incarcerated.

Hmmm... oh, and to the new characters who came in during May - if you'd like to plot with Frank, Severus, Dedalus, Barty, or Tatienne, feel free to ping me on deanoasassyn8ion.

~ Eve

May. 28th, 2010


Hello! It's Nicole here (aka Benjy and Sirius) bringing you the youngest Vance sibling - Caitlin.

She's 24, a former Hufflepuff and is currently a member of the Invisibility Task Force for the Ministry and lives in Devon with her boyfriend. She's 99% sure that he's going to propose soon (and not just because she snooped through his underwear drawer) and is rather looking forward to it. She has no interest in having children at the moment. Her focus is more on an adventurous honeymoon and as many overseas holidays as possible. When she was 19, she took a year off to travel with friends and has definitely been bitten by the travel bug.

She's a fiesty sort who will happily argue that black is white just for the sake of it, a born leader and "people person", and a former Hogwarts quidditch player who was captain for three years and loved every second of it.
Her full bio is here.

So - Friends? Family? Anything?

May. 27th, 2010



Sooo I'm Faith - and you all know me, I play Lia Greengrass. Whatup.

BUT I am now bringing you the lovely Alice Longbottom. She is colder than you think. And VERY PREGNANT THANK YOU.

There are some pretty significant changes to her than our former Alice, and hopefully they'll work with whatever plot is established in game. Eve and I worked together and the changes match both our ideas of the Longbottoms!

Here are the important things to know about Alice:
  • Her maiden name is Bulstrode - as in Millicent's Aunt. Oh yeah, Neville and Mill are cousins in my head. HAHAHA.
  • She was a Slytherin in Frank's year.
  • She and Frank eloped after their first year of Auror training because her parents arranged a marriage for her to Augustus Rookwood and she was HORRIFIED.
  • Her and Frank's engagement was quite the Society Scandal - and her brother married Augustus' sister as a peace offering between the families.
  • Augusta hates her (and, shh, don't tell Frank but she's not too fond of Augusta either)
  • Alice is highly ambitious and became an Auror not because she is necessarily brave, but because it was where she thought she could excel the most.
  • She and Frank have two dogs - Zeus & Hera
  • She and Frank refer to the baby as "Oops" - they have names picked out, but since the baby was an accident and they don't know the gender, Oops has become Neville's name until he's born.
  • She and Frank live in a cottage in Berkshire w/ a finished nursery and a lovely garden.

Anyway, since she is quite different, go ahead and read about her HERE.

So! Get me updated. Plots I should know about? Friends/enemies? She was Head Girl to Frank's Head Boy and was probably more strict than she should have been with Gryffindors. :-X

May. 26th, 2010


What's up kids! I'm Noz. New and all that. Super stoked to be here. But on to fun stuff! I bring you Ichabod Smith, Zipporah Smith's older brother. He's a little nerdling, speaks like a jillion languages, works as a translator for Goblin political biz and used to travel the world, but now he's a ridiculous homebody. Ichabod's usually a happy little critter and it takes alot to rile him up. I mean like, A. Lot. He stays up really late all the time (hey, it started before he had an's just gotten much worse and not near as enjoyable sometimes...), is always studying something~ but rarely seems to be learning much about the material. Ask him about something he was studying six months ago and he'll give you the full details.

He loves people in general, his family very much, and also orange sherbet. Delicious. Oh! Ravenclaw class of '72. He was Head Boy. In depth profile here for now, and I'll put it in his actual journal tomorrow.

My aim is mel0lagnia (with a zero) if anyone wants to make plotties!!

Also also- Please excuse my weird at the moment. I'm trying to wedge this post in before bed because I probably won't be online tomorrow since I'm working a double shift. /life story

May. 25th, 2010


Hi guys! It's Jamie with character number five (again), Audrey Smith! Woo!

Audrey Cattermole was a Ravenclaw from the class of 1974 and has been best friends with Zipporah Smith since they met on the Hogwarts Express. In school, she was part of the Dueling Club all seven years and is crazy good at said dueling and was also a Chaser on the house team during her sixth and seventh years. She was (and is) a very friendly person, which made her pretty popular in school and friends with just about anyone that stood still long enough for her to be chatty with. After school, she had every intention of going into journalism and even had an internship at "Witch Weekly" that she started.

But then her parents were killed in a Death Eater attack. It was hard on Audrey, especially because she was incredibly close to her father. She dropped out of her internship and, in an effort to get back at the DEs and try to make sure that no one else had to go through what she did, she applied for the Auror program in the Ministry and got in just before they closed applications. Over the years, she went on to begin dating and eventually marry Ichabod Smith (thus making her Audrey Smith), who is her best friend's older brother. They just had their first child, Zacharias, back in November. She is still focusing on her Auror career and is committed to it and the Ministry, so long as they keep doing what she thinks they should. You can read more about her here.

That being said! I would love friends and enemies and frenemies and all of that other good stuff! I'm pretty sure that she would have a lot of each, so throw it at me. As always, you can find me online at rumblerawr or should you want to chat or plot or any of that! :)

PS! Here is her font!

PSx2! She likes to use terms of endearment for everyone and anyone. Honeybee, sweetheart, lovey, etc. Just letting you know. ;)

May. 24th, 2010


Just to let you all know that I will be on hiatus from Wednesday to Friday this week... which given the time zones means Tuesday to Thursday for most of you. :P

I'm off on a business trip and I'm not sure how much, if any, internet access I will have so if anyone needs me or my boys for anything on the weekend or next week, better catch me today or tomorrow.

May. 23rd, 2010


Lena wants to PLAY! Who wants to play with a Lena?

I can offer up anyone for anything! Conflict, fluff, whatever! I'm at work til 7 but I have tomorrow off so give me things to entertain myself with!

May. 22nd, 2010


Hello all.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm changing Nona's font to this because I can never be happy with anything and I've decided I don't like the font she already has, lol.


Hey, y'all!

I'm back! I have work this weekend, but I'm back home and will be getting to tags I owe ASAP. I've gone through and commented on the 327517632 intros I missed while I was being all hiatusy and if I missed anyone or anyone wants to scene anything, give me a poke. I'm not likely to be on AIM today or much tomorrow due to working, but you can email me at and it'll go straight to my iPhone where I will respond ASAP.

Also, listing out my kids - plot with them if you haven't already! :)

Bree Bones ([info]bubblyvance) - 31; Ravenclaw 66
Alex Davis ([info]uncledavis) - 25; Hufflepuff 72
Oliver Wilkes ([info]wilkesism) - 23; Slytherin 74
Glinda Crook ([info]atypicalpuff) - 21; Hufflepuff 76
Kasia Macmillan ([info]kasiamac) - 19; Gryffindor 79

May. 20th, 2010


late May/early June plot post )

May. 19th, 2010


I'm back! Let me know what I missed! I'd appreciate it! :D

May. 18th, 2010


What did people do before the internet?

I don't know!!! Well, I should say that I don't really remember because there was no Internet when I was a youngin'. We had to play outside in my day. We didn't get Internet until I was 14 and that was via AOL and dial up!

So, here's the rub... The Internet in my area has been cut out and there are men currently working to correct this problem. That is what I've been told by my Internet slash telephone slash cable provider. I don't know how long these shananigans will be going on for, but I have been reduced to the iPhone which makes using the Internet very tedious.

What this means for me... Major suckage. But I am able to tag journals and use AIM. I cannot however, tag gdocs because the iPhone does not have the patent for the program which does not give it the ability to edit docs. I can look but I can't touch.

So I am aware that I owe journal tags and I am getting to those... Slowly. I am able to be reached on AIM still when I'm on. Again, slowly. And email is always good.

That's all. Just wanted to give you guts a heads up.

-jen no interwebs.

*Edit note: yes it says "guts" and no I will not change it bc that is just the tip of the tediousness I must go through with the iPhone...

May. 16th, 2010


Character Numero Cinco

Hola! This is Eve, with my fifth character Tatienne Montague. I know, you're wondering who the heck that is, right? Well, when Dolohov left the DMIC, he mentioned he promoted his assistant. That assistant was Tatienne Montague. She's 52 (soon to be 53) which puts her in the same Hogwarts class as Antonin and the DL and the class after Selwyn. She's pb'd by the lovely Jennifer Beals, who I seriously cannot believe is 48. No. REALLY. Forgive the current lack of icons - I'm waiting to be added to an icon journal that has 120 of them made of her.

Anywho, she's half-French, half-Senegalese (a western Africa French colony) and speaks about a million languages. Her father was a French diplomat who was paranoid about his assignment being changed and his daughter being able to be school whereever they were living. She grew up in England and is for all intents and purposes British, inspite of a slight accent which appears every once in a while (particularly when she's upset). She's a widow. In reality, she killed her husband because he was an embarrassing drunk and an imbecile - most people believe he died from Dragon Pox and his own alcoholism, or don't even realize she was married.

Hmmm... other than that, she's a Ministry supporter. Though she went to school at the same time as Voldemort she has never really known about the Death Eaters - other than what's in the Prophet. She tends to stray a little on the dark side with her beliefs and actions, but she's never been really vocal. She believes not so much in extermination, but in separatism. She believes that Muggleborn witches and wizards should be taken from their parents as soon as they show magical talent and given to magical families to raise. Eventually, there would be no half-bloods left and the problem would be solved. She empathizes quite a bit with half-bloods, since she's mixed race (even though she doesn't look it) and has faced some prejudices because of it. Growing up in the 30s with a white father and a black mother wasn't easy.

Yep, now that I've rambled too much, her info is available here. Soo... anyone have any ideas for plots, SLs, or anything?

May. 15th, 2010


Hey everyone! You may have noticed that I haven't been around lately! I apologize for that, this past week was all about trying to make up work and get ready for finals! So don't worry, I still very much enjoy this game!

On another note, finals are this week. Starting on Wed. However I am two essays to write plus a research paper and of course studying for my other finals. So I will be on hiatus until Friday!

If something major happens that my character should know about, please feel free to email or IM me. I will most likely still be on AIM while I'm working so I can have some small distractions. :D

See you all in a week!



Why does all the awesome go down when I am about to go out of town? :|

Um.. leaving for the BFFs tomorrow after work. Will have net, but will be focused on BFF birthday times much more than RP, obviously, so I'll be AFKish. If you need me for anything, email is your best bet since I do get that on my phone and I'll be glad to start any threads/logs with the caveat that I will be a little slow until Fridayish.

That said, I have a few characters in my head who are quite loudly upset at the moment, so if anyone wants to scene, give me a poke.




I had to delete that comment because Jac told me Marlene would know about the Smethwyks croaking. Hence why it was deleted and then replaced with that comment.


May. 14th, 2010


Since I am taking it easy today because of the drama from yesterday (it's a long story and involves throwing an oxygen mask at an asshole paramedic), and I have a huge stack of unused stationary, I am writing letters today!

If you would like a letter from me (and who doesn't like receiving real mail, comment here! (I screened comments just in case you don't want unsolicited mail!)

(x-posted cause I'm bored!)


For those of you who may not have noticed, yes I have returned. Expect some kind of game wide plot post thing next week. I would have hashed one out this week but being out of state physically away from my computer sort of killed that plan.

Caleb (Tony, Ed, Rab, Gid, & Nat)

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