June 5th, 2010

[info]lestranger in [info]itwillhaveooc

Okay. Blah. Yes, I have been a little absent the last couple of weeks. I had a business trip to organise and then go on and since it was my database I was doing stuff with, I couldn't exactly slough the work off on anybody else. *sigh* *headdesk* I've been sleeping a lot since I got back.

Anyhoo, I've spoken to Caleb about certain things but if anyone has anything else I should look at or know about or sign up for with either Rodolphus, Fenrir, Aberforth and my new boy, Rufus Scrimgeour (who I didn't have a chance to throw into the game or even introduce before I got busy but he's around on [info]scrimmager if you want to have a look at him.)

Now I have to go out and do some shopping or I'll never get it done. I'll be back later today to catch up!

[info]battyag in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hi all! It's Christa again, brining in my fifth and, for now, final character. This is Agnes Branstone (although Quidditch fans will know her as Agnes Winter).  Here's her general info:

- Ravenclaw '73, 25 years old.
- Muggleborn.
- Beater for the Ballycastle Bats (1978-present), formerly for the Falmouth Falcons (1975-78).
- married to Miles Branstone, 39 years old, Muggleborn, publicist for the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
- plays very rough, but is possibly one of the sweetest and politest people you'll ever meet.

As for any plans I have with her, there's nothing major yet.  But as a Muggleborn (and her husband, as well), I could see something happening either with BOMB (Miles getting involved, possibly?) or with being attacked.  Otherwise, she'll just be socializing and playing Quidditch for now! Here infor can be found here.  Plots/friends/enemies/etc?

[info]esotericwolf in [info]itwillhaveooc

Epic computer fail for the LOSE. UGH.

So, yeah, my computer decided it no longer wanted to turn on. Insert random error message that would not go away. Good news is, it's fixed. Bad news is, it had to be reformatted and I lost EVERYTHING. And I had to go without a computer for a couple weeks without warning. SORRY LOVES.