June 2nd, 2010

[info]fiercelyfrank in [info]itwillhaveooc

I'm baaaack....

As you've probably noted from my commenting and such, I actually survived the month of May, in spite of working 110 hours in two weeks - the majority of it in the last four days of the month. I've got quite a bit to catch up on - mostly in terms of posting entries. This is my apology for the flood of your friend's page which is about to occur.

Also, I wanted to post Dedalus' entry before he was arrested and didn't get around to it. I'm going to backdate it, but I just wanted to give you warning, so you guys didn't think he was some how magically in possession of his journal while incarcerated.

Hmmm... oh, and to the new characters who came in during May - if you'd like to plot with Frank, Severus, Dedalus, Barty, or Tatienne, feel free to ping me on deanoasassyn8ion.

~ Eve