May 25th, 2010

[info]likehepburn in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hi guys! It's Jamie with character number five (again), Audrey Smith! Woo!

Audrey Cattermole was a Ravenclaw from the class of 1974 and has been best friends with Zipporah Smith since they met on the Hogwarts Express. In school, she was part of the Dueling Club all seven years and is crazy good at said dueling and was also a Chaser on the house team during her sixth and seventh years. She was (and is) a very friendly person, which made her pretty popular in school and friends with just about anyone that stood still long enough for her to be chatty with. After school, she had every intention of going into journalism and even had an internship at "Witch Weekly" that she started.

But then her parents were killed in a Death Eater attack. It was hard on Audrey, especially because she was incredibly close to her father. She dropped out of her internship and, in an effort to get back at the DEs and try to make sure that no one else had to go through what she did, she applied for the Auror program in the Ministry and got in just before they closed applications. Over the years, she went on to begin dating and eventually marry Ichabod Smith (thus making her Audrey Smith), who is her best friend's older brother. They just had their first child, Zacharias, back in November. She is still focusing on her Auror career and is committed to it and the Ministry, so long as they keep doing what she thinks they should. You can read more about her here.

That being said! I would love friends and enemies and frenemies and all of that other good stuff! I'm pretty sure that she would have a lot of each, so throw it at me. As always, you can find me online at rumblerawr or should you want to chat or plot or any of that! :)

PS! Here is her font!

PSx2! She likes to use terms of endearment for everyone and anyone. Honeybee, sweetheart, lovey, etc. Just letting you know. ;)