May 22nd, 2010

[info]atypicalpuff in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hey, y'all!

I'm back! I have work this weekend, but I'm back home and will be getting to tags I owe ASAP. I've gone through and commented on the 327517632 intros I missed while I was being all hiatusy and if I missed anyone or anyone wants to scene anything, give me a poke. I'm not likely to be on AIM today or much tomorrow due to working, but you can email me at and it'll go straight to my iPhone where I will respond ASAP.

Also, listing out my kids - plot with them if you haven't already! :)

Bree Bones ([info]bubblyvance) - 31; Ravenclaw 66
Alex Davis ([info]uncledavis) - 25; Hufflepuff 72
Oliver Wilkes ([info]wilkesism) - 23; Slytherin 74
Glinda Crook ([info]atypicalpuff) - 21; Hufflepuff 76
Kasia Macmillan ([info]kasiamac) - 19; Gryffindor 79

[info]nona_kinlan in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello all.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm changing Nona's font to this because I can never be happy with anything and I've decided I don't like the font she already has, lol.