May 7th, 2010

[info]littlefurie in [info]itwillhaveooc


Ok, so it wasn't really from hell, my cast was lovely, and they kept thanking me for keeping them from killing the director. That was actually written in one of my thank you notes. If they only knew how much I wanted to kill the director myself...

So anyway, hiatus is almost over. I have to spend the weekend with my neglected husband who I've barely seen in the past month, and then I'm officially back. I have been reading stuff, so I sorta know what's going on. And no, I haven't forgotten about logs I owe tags for (Eve, Olivia, and Becca) I promise.

So now a rundown of what my kids have been up to:

Alecto has been checking up on Lily, and will officially start to follow her very soon.
Xeno has been dealing with a preggers wife, OMG!
Charity has been laying low since her fight with Barty.
Moody has been buried under a mountain of paperwork and will shout at anyone who asks if he's joining the BOMB task force. The answer will go something like this: "FUCK! I HAVE A BLOODY DEPARTMENT TO RUN. SO THE ANSWER IS NO!"

That is all. I will be officially back by Monday. :)