April 15th, 2010

[info]aliaporci in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hey everyone! 

Just a heads up - I'll be taking a pseudo-hiatus from now until May 3rd.  The next few weeks I'm going to be swamped with things for work and grad school, so I won't have a lot of spare time while living in the library  to keep up with RP stuff.  I'll still be checking in and probably be on AIM, but just won't be able to keep up with threads as regularly.  Any scenes I'm currently involved in (Tom & Vic, Mulciber/Mary/Fabian, Zip and Alex) I'll still  be getting to, just a bit more slowly and probably at random hours.  :P

After that, though, the semester's over and all is well! 


- Christa (Tom, Felix, & Zipporah)

(Also, for the Mods, I'm still working on my app for Penrose.  It's actually almost done but obviously I've been slowed down considerably, but I just figure I'd let you know I'm still planning to app him.)