April 11th, 2010

[info]itwillhavemods in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello lovelies! Anna here with new characters, whee! First Lena brings us Bree Bones and please welcome our new player Emmie with Minerva McGonagall!

And one more note. Sorry about being slightly absent of late. I started working on a show, so my nights are almost shot. And the April 15th tax deadline is making mean faces at me. But regardless of all that, I promise I'll be better about tags. Eve and Kat, I have NOT forgotten about you two. I know I owe you lovelies some tags, and you shall receive them. Soon-ish.

And now, the button!

[info]strange_rabbit in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hey folks, I may have told some of you that I would be hiatusing sometime in April. Here we are. It's the midst of April and RL is about to get absolutely crazy for me. Look under the cut for details if you'd like them.

Caleb's hiatus )

[info]bubblyvance in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hi, guys! Lena here with a fifth character.

Meet Bridget Bones aka Bree. She's Edgar Bones' wife. She's also Tristan Vance's little sister, the second of the bunch and you know the other 3 should really be picked up because siblings are awesome.

Anyway, she was a 1966 Ravenclaw and you can read her full application here. The short version - she's bubbly, sweet, mother of two beautiful children and she could use friends, acquaintances, etc etc. Did I mention that the other Vance siblings would be awesome? Because they totally would be.

Also, those of you I owe tags to should be getting them tonight. My work schedule this weekend is made of fail and I had no computer time last night, because getting home after 11pm and having to be awake again at 7am isn't conducive to having an RP life. Gotta love retail!

♥ Lena → itwillhavelena on AIM - hit me up for some plotting!