March 25th, 2010

[info]uncledavis in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hi, y'all! It's Lena with a third character already, which is really all Jaclyn's fault, because she pounced on me and begged me to play him, soooo meet Alexander Davis, but please just call him Alex or any variation thereof.

He's pretty awesome and rather than ramble about his awesome, I will just link you to his application. He's 25 and was a Hufflepuff from 1965-1972, so he'd know people around those years, I think, as well as people who are connected to Devin, since they are really close.

Plot with me! :D Again, the AIM is itwillhavelena, email is and my personal IJ is [info]lena, so feel free to ping me at any of those places.

You can also feel free to add either [info]lena or [info]dejavroom which is my CDJ if you want. New friends are always welcome! And anyone who wants to follow my twitter -- it's ledbylove.