March 14th, 2010

[info]marymacd in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hey everyone!

So anyone who knows me, knows my love for March Madness and NCAA basketball. In light of March Madness, Caleb and I have set up an "It Will Have Blood" pool. It doesn't cost anything, you won't win anything (save for bragging rights), but maybe it'll get us all excited about something offline.

If you go here, you can create your own FREE account on CBS' sports website and be directed towards the "IWHB" pool. You'll be prompted for a password, which is "caleb" (all lower case). And then it'll be straight forward naming a bracket and picking teams.

YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BASKETBALL TO ENTER! Pick teams based on rankings, names, colors, mascots, what-have-you. THIS IS FOR FUN and hopefully might help you get to meet someone new you might not know in the game.

By no means do you have to do this, but it could be fun so if you want to, feel free to join us! We set it so you can only enter one bracket (sorry all you sports fanatics!). ANYWAYS, enter (if you want), have fun, encourage talking about things other than RP and here's to the craziness that is March Madness!

Also, if you have any questions... feel free to ask!!