March 7th, 2010

[info]lawuntowilkes in [info]itwillhaveooc

Intro post!

Hi, I'm Christa! I play with Jenn at another game and she led me to this one, so I'm excited to be here. I'm bringing in Thomas Wilkes, and he'll probably be only one of the characters I pick up...:)

Most people he knows call him Tom, and he's an attorney at the same firm as Evan Rosier, who happens to be his apprentice. Perhaps more significantly, Tom is also a very active Death Eater, and graduated Hogwarts in 1972. He gets a kick out of experimenting with hexes, and has workaholic tendencies, but with the aim of getting things done quickly and well so that he can have some fun afterward. Tom's quite close to his family, especially his younger sister Matty. Personality-wise, Tom is pretty easy to get along with, although he loves to correct people and one would be hard pressed to figure out his system of organizing his life.

More detailed stuff is in his profile here. I've already started plotting a bit with a few of you, but I'd love to set up some friends/enemies/etc for Tom, and can't wait to start playing! Feel free to contact me on AIM at lux sublunaris.