March 2nd, 2010

[info]itwillhavemods in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello lovelies, Anna here with lots of stuff! First of all we have a new character! Latara is bringing us Lowri Pritchard. MOAR BOMB! YAY! Secondly, we lost Joan's Sirius Black, so be sure to run the f-button.

BUT! Before I put the f-button up, some plot bunnies. First, BOMB is going to continue to up their violence, this time by randomly beating up known purebloods, ministry personnel, etc. Even some Death Eaters since BOMB actually WANTS to hurt Death Eaters, they just don't know who they are. And here's where you start volunteering your character for violence. And BOMB, you too. I'll randomly pair up people based on your answers, etc. Obviously, I'll take into consideration who plays who so you're not attacking yourself. :)

And of course, my evil DEs... you do NOT need to stand for this. Random attacks on muggle neighborhoods do not need mod sanction here. Even random retaliation - we're totally fine with battles happening too. :)

Now my Order kids, Dumbledore will be setting up the training sessions at the Hog's Head, whether his brother likes it or not (hooray Dumbledore family dynamics!). I will be working on the pairs, but I want a head count of who will be doing the training, i.e. make sure I don't forget anyone: Moody, Frank, Abe, Gideon, & Alice (I think that's all my DMLE/Older Order folk) training everyone else. I will work out a pairing system, as in Moody takes two people, etc. Just please respond here so I can work this out feasibly. And of course, at the start of this big meeting, Dumbledore will also consider patrols, scouting stuff, etc.

EDIT: Suppose I should post the button, huh?

[info]lowrimabyn in [info]itwillhaveooc

New char! This is Latara, with my contribution to the BOMB cause, Lowri Pritchard. She's a bit strange, very Welsh, works on Diagon Alley, and she's married to the son of a prominent Welsh pureblood family. School-wise, she's Hufflepuff '75. So yeah, I'd love to work out plots, people she was at school the same time as, her relationship with the other BOMBers, etc. Off the top of my head, her husband would have been a Slytherin and in the same year as Phoebe and Victoria, so they'd know him and probably be aware of him dating Lowri in their seventh year, and also Hestia is a Welsh pureblood so she'd know the family, too.

And I'm also open for plots/threading with both Lily and Amelia, too!