February 17th, 2010

[info]ofhearth in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hi guys! Steph with her second character, I swear I see 'character limit' like a challenge or something!

Anyway, this is the uber cute and yet totally fierce Hestia Jones. She's one of those bubbly, happy people and generally people think she should have gone to Hufflepuff, she often wonders why she wasn't herself, but she will have hardcore moments as she's got a good head in panic situations and tends to be very protective of her friends. She will make you chicken soup when you're ill, it will be home-made and the veggies from the Jones farm, she will make you a birthday cake, too! Generally she's one of those girls everyone says is lovely, she's really cute, worrisome and motherly and tends to stammer and get flustered around boys she likes or any discussion thereof. She's 23 (Gryffindor alum of '74!) and currently lives in London, she's an Obliviator.

I think that is everything? Oh, she's in the order so she would know everyone there, too.

Give me plots? :D <3

[info]itwillhavemods in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello! Anna again with more adds!!! WHEE! Please welcome two new players: Nicole with Benjy Fenwick and Effy with Molly Weasley!

Also, we have a lot of holds, so you will see the happy little friend button popping up quite a bit in the next few days. It's not our fault, you people just keep being awesome.

BUT before I post the friend button on this post, there is a big note! HUGE PLOT is coming with the pureblood party taking place at the Lestrange party. For our new kids, there is a party Saturday night, to which most of pureblood society is invited too. Please see THIS post to get an idea of the guest list. Obviously, if your character is a society kid who added after this post, he/she is invited.

Now for the BIG PLOT... there will be an attack at the party. Did you think Pinkstone would be satisfied with just a riot after the death of her son? Oh! Think not! A bomb will be set off at the party, causing minimal damage to the house (it's hastily made home-made bomb) but still! Injuries will happen. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

To our BOMB people: if you want your character involved with setting the bomb, infiltrating the caterers (cause they're awesome like that) or just being a distraction, comment here.

SO! How badly injured your character gets is up to you. The log will be one of those OOC/IC comment logs, so that it doesn't go insane really quickly, and so that we can have a general idea who did what, etc. If you want to have separate "OH NO I'M ON FIRE" logs with individual characters, then go for it.

Ok plot business done, time for the Friend Button: