February 2nd, 2010

[info]billygoatgruff in [info]itwillhaveooc

G'day all! Kat 2 here with that grouchy old curmudgeon Aberforth Dumbledore. Aberforth (Abe only if you're a close friend) is a bit of a grumpy bastard and he's got defensive walls that rival that great big thing in China. He doesn't have much patience for idiots and fools and he's generally wary and defensive. He tends to look as ragged and disreputable as his pub. Besides owning and running the pub, he also works a bit in the black market and does some extracurricular hunting of some very bad men (not DEs though - these are much older bad men).

A lot of that is an act but he just doesn't let a lot of people close. There is a heart and a hell of a lot of loyalty underneath the curmudgeon exterior for someone who has the patience to draw it out. He's got one hell of a past above and beyond the whole sister being attacked/father being imprisoned/mother dying/Ariana dying at the hands of either him, Albus or Gellert/punching Albus in the nose thing as he spent most of his time between leaving Hogwarts in 1902 until around 1951 in Europe trying (unsuccessfully) to find Gellert Grindelwald. Given what was going on during that time and the fact that he spent a lot of time in and out of the Muggle world, he's seen and done a lot of things. In fact the combination of Gellert and Hitler is why he joined the Order and he takes what the Order does very seriously and has little time or patience for those who are frivolous or reckless.

Anyway, it best to have a read about him here to get all the details and I'm up for plot/backstory etc etc.

[info]billygoatgruff in [info]itwillhaveooc

Just a note regarding Aberforth's journal entry - he's been away doing some of that unofficial hunting down of bad men. Only Albus would have any idea of what he might of been doing though even he wouldn't have any absolute answers. It's just that he knows his brother and knows what he's likely to have been doing.

Before he left, Aberforth would have told the Order that he was visiting an old friend so that's about all they'd know.