January 1st, 2010

[info]itwillhavemods in [info]itwillhaveooc

The Game is Officially Open!

Hello, folks! This is Caleb, one half of the mod crew here. It Will Have Blood is now open! I have to work in six hours so this message is going to be rather short.

Either Anna or I shall be posting plot stuff and a longer intro to the game Friday afternoon/evening. For the sake of ease, here is the friend button. Our game rules can be found here. If there are any questions, please contact either Anna (AIM: ambutterf1y) or Caleb (AIM: calledtoliberty). If you prefer email, you can find our contact information here.

The date is January 1, 1980. Until we can write up a plot post, just refer to the timeline for what has recently transpired.

I bid you all good evening and happy playing!


[info]thedorkas in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello, friendlies! Here be Jaclyn, and you can reach me at swimmingcarp on AIM, the_chatterpillar@hotmail.com on MSN and email, and jaclyncurler@yahoo.com on YIM. I sometimes forget to log onto MSN and Yahoo, but email and AIM are generally fail-proof. I'm sick right now so I'm awesome and online a lot cause bleh, so IM me! We can has plot!

Aaaaaanyway, I bring Dorcas Meadowes. She was a Marauder-year Gryffindor, she's BFFs with Marlene McKinnon, and she's dating Hippocrates "Jack" Smethwyk, who's not in-game yet. Any, she's fiery and bouncy and friendly and would have befriended anyone in her year or House, or even just anyone near her at school because she's the type. She played Quidditch and was in the Dueling Club, and is NOW a member of the Order of Phoenix, as of five months ago. Jack is a Healer and she's been dating him a year, so she could have met any Healer friends of his in that year, though that plotting ought to wait til he's in. Mmmm... she's the Welcome Witch at St. Mungo's, though, for the last week, so anyone working there could end up meeting her if they don't already know her. Plus random interactions.

I think that's about it. XD Comment! IM me! I'd love you all muchly!

[info]swift_swindler in [info]itwillhaveooc

Introduction! (of sorts fixed!)

Hello everyone!

I'm Jen and I bring you Daniel Travers and Evan Rosier. First about me, however! I am 25 and live in Massachusetts, so that would put me in EST. I graduated from college three years ago (I'm old), am currently seeking to go back to get my Masters degree and have a dog named Otis :)

So, Daniel and Evan. Well they're both devilishly handsome Death Eaters though there is 4 to 5 year difference in age. Daniel is all around fun, he is a wicked skirt chaser, loves a cheap thrill and is a thrill seeker. Maybe that's why his current profession is thief. He is paid to steal and deliver costly items to his boss who then delivers said items to various shops for sale. He is a middle class pureblood (or a tier 2 if you like) so while he is able to enjoy some of the finer things in life, he sees no difference in this thing they call a hierarchy. Nevertheless he will find himself sometimes abiding by a few select society rules, hence why he is currently courting a young society woman whom he does not care for in the slightest. To him, the purity of blood is what matters most. Of course, you have to be a devote supporter in the preservation of purebloods. Blood traitors gain no respect from him. Oh and he is unknowingly in love with Alecto Carrow as they've been on and off for years now.

Evan on the other hand is a young man with higher morals. He follows most rules, but not all of them, so he has room for fun. Since he is so young, he is merely an apprentice to a lawyer with hopes of one day becoming a lawyer himself. When in school he was that kid who didn't need to study and was able to ace his exams. At just 16, his father was killed by Mad Eye Moody, so needless to say, Evan is out for that man's blood. About a week after his father's death, Evan took the mark, so he was very young and still in school when he became a Death Eater. Other than that, he's a hardworking kid who is a quick wit with a very sarcastic sense of humor who enjoys a good prank. He enjoys the company of woman, but they need to be within his class, upper of course.

I get carried away... But I do look forward to doing plots and the like! My AIM is catahoulalab4.