Dec. 12th, 2009


Filtered to Transplants/Displaced Persons

So, hey ...

I know I've met a couple of you, and commented to most of you (I think), but in the interest of full disclosure, such as it was ... I thought I'd try to unify things.

My name is Caleb Danvers, and I'm a witch. Some of my friends are also witches. While I don't think there's anything we can actually do about the site out at Putnam barn, I thought I'd try to do what I could to help out some of you.

I can imagine this is a freakish, scary situation, and I wish I had more answers for you. I wish I had a way to make it right again, but the long and short of it is ... I don't. The most I can do is extend my hospitality to some of you until you can get on your feet and establish yourself here. I'd suggest acting like this is a long-term thing.

I can't imagine a lot of you are very happy to hear this, and I do apologize for it. Not that it's my fault, but I am sorry it had to happen. Most of you that I've met seem like nice people.

So, anyway, we have an old house we're not using - and by old, I mean old. It's one of the houses from back when the colonies were founded. It's clean and stable, and I can't imagine any of you are really overflowing with cash, so we thought we'd see if we could house some people there, at least temporarily, in exchange for whoever resides there keeping up the house and grounds.

Just let me know, and I can give you directions.

Dec. 9th, 2009


I want my bed back. I miss my family. Fuck this.

As if my life couldn't get any stranger. Would anyone like to fill me in on why one minute I’m filling college applications, and the next, I awake next to a burned down barn?

Fuck me. I won't be surprised if I go bald as a result of pulling it out due to all the stress... Merda...

Dec. 8th, 2009


WTF. Seriously. WTFF.

Okay, so every time I try to call ANYONE I know, I get disconnected or the person on the other end of the line tells me they have no idea who I'm talking about. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. Goddammit I want to go home!

Dec. 7th, 2009


001 - A Liar From the Start

I was NOT expecting this! I was just lounging at home watching some movie, when this dude just breaks into the door, and mugs me! Then I wake up next to some strange, and magical barn, and I find that I have a new communication device, and a credit card.

Hey, Raziel? You responsible for this? No, it wouldn't be you. Samael?

Whoever did this, I'd like to know.


I still have ten toes.

Half the buildings in this town make me feel about two inches tall. I'm going to turn the corner and be sucked away into the never ending vastness of 'holy wow, thats a big house.'

On the plus side I can feel my fingers and toes again, which means I should probably get to figuring out if I can get back home. But for as long as I'm stuck, what do high school students do around here for entertainment?

Dec. 6th, 2009


I wonder who is good to eat around here?

Aw, I'm writing in a diary. Stefan would be so proud.


Oh, sure, THIS time my vision is right.

Oh I KNEW this shit was gonna happen. Fucking, stupid, useless... I'm actually close for once, but never mind that, right? The power is bursting at the seems here, it's literally ridiculous. That... burnt down barn or whatever the hell that was that I showed up at was the worst. It was like a freaking power bomb blew up... that didn't make any sense. This is not good. There are worlds of not good in this town.

Better question... where the hell am I sleeping tonight? Time to hoof it until I find a hotel... I should have started carrying a compass years ago.


At least you get a phone, and a card.

Strange day. Hello random town of Ipswich that I've never been to. You and your surrounding areas are giving me a headache.

February 2010



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