Nov. 12th, 2012



Welcome back to IVI, everyone.


injuries for all.


Please comment here to let people know what injuries (if any) your character returned with from the dream world! As a reminder, Anthony, Caleb, and Richie will be healing the serious wounds, but non-life threatening injuries will be treated with regular medical attention. Alien and zombie infestation is considered life threatening and can be fully healed by the Anthony/Caleb/Richie trio.



Hey guys! Sorry, there will be a lot of OOC posts today. Whatever, you love it.

We wanted to give everyone some info before the game goes back into normal ("normal") mode in an hour and a half.
  • We've gotten a lot of questions about George Cooper. For your edification, he looks like this -- or he did, before he was killed dead.
  • Students who request to visit the morgue and see Cooper's body will be permitted to do so on Tuesday. There will be heavy guard supervision.
  • In the fight, the characters who got a successful hit on George were: Sam, Mason, Qamar, Mike, Eden, Lilja, Omar, Vic, Hugo, Clara. Marine also slapped him in the Insane Asylum group! Players are free to decide what their individual character's contributions are, we just obviously ask that no one hit was enough to kill him off; he died from the collective injuries.
  • Once everyone is woken up and accounted for, it will be discovered that while no students died, the non-Vol staff contingent took heavy hits. Five guards from lockup, the very friendly cook that always took requests, the grumpy custodian, the Spanish teacher, and the super hot female bartender who was always very generous with drinks -- all were killed. Many others sustained serious injuries. Team Leaders Li and Rene are okay.
  • Anthony, along with some help from Caleb and Richie (with augmentation from Donovan?) spent most of the evening tending to major injuries. Doing too much tires them out, though, so anything that wasn't life-threatening was taken care of by a traditional doctor or nurse.
  • Around 7:00, for the first time since this started, the internet came back on. Phone communication turned on too, and was free for the next 24 hours.
  • An email will go out with the communications information that classes are cancelled for the week to allow people rest and recovery. Mandatory counseling sessions will be happening on Tuesday for all students, though, and counselors will be available throughout the rest of the week.
  • We will have some more information for you on what the international media coverage of the event has been. It's just going to take us some time to write that up, so please be patient with us.
  • We will put up a post shortly for people to discuss character injuries. Please hold. EDIT: Here you go.
  • On Wednesday it will be announced that the beach trip has been rescheduled and will now happen the weekend of Nov. 23-25. Students going on the trip will leave that Friday morning.
On a more personal note, we want to say thank you SO MUCH to all of you for participating over the past few days -- we're absolutely thrilled with how you took our ideas and ran with them, making this plot into something more magical and amazing than we ever could have imagined. We hope you had fun and got a chance to try new things with your characters, and while we do feel a little bit sorry for sending them through this trauma... we mostly don't, because of all the amazing stuff you guys have done with it.

The sheer number of logs everyone has been cranking out is astounding, but even more than that, we've been blown away by the consistent quality of everything that you've produced over the past four days. We count ourselves lucky to have the opportunity to play at [info]invol with all of you.

Finally, thank you for your kind words of encouragement throughout the weekend -- it meant a lot to hear that you all were enjoying yourselves! If you have any questions about the information in this post, please don't hesitate ask them here!



Let the fighting begin -- or continue, as the case may be. All dreamworld texts and network posts can now be read by anyone who is in that world. They still cannot be read by the students who are awake at IVI.


HEY PEOPLE. We know people have a ton of logs in progress for today, and the timeline is a little important for knowing when to post things on the network. So here is the rough schedule for today:

3pm EST: The Insane Asylum group corners George Cooper, sends him dream-jumping into the Cabin in the Woods dream, where Caleb is currently. Marine follows. She informs Caleb of what is going on, Caleb wakes up and gives staff a heads up. George Cooper dream-jumps again, this time to the Abandoned Fairgrounds -- Marine follows, and Caleb joins up with them. The dreams all collapse down into this group. Cue mass fighting hysteria in the fairgrounds.

8pm EST: Richie uses George Cooper's powers back on him, pulling him out of the dream. Everyone wakes up. Medical attention is given to those who need it. (Please note -- this does not mean that the fight in the fairgrounds lasts for literally 5 hours. We just wanted to give that much time for people to do posts and comments.)

We'll give official mod posts at these times, but hopefully this helps in terms of texts/network posts/etc. Also, as always, time is relatively fluid in this game -- don't get discouraged if you post something "out of order," just indicate in your post what time it was supposed to go up. It's not a big deal!


more music, sorry i got a little addicted?

THIS IS IT. This is the very last of them. If you take any, or took any of the previous ones, PLEASE COMMENT because after all this work, I'd like the love. Also. Apparently mediafire took the first one down so you may want to snatch them while they're hot because I probably won't reupload later.


Nov. 11th, 2012


Final Plot Update!

Below the cut is the FINAL PLOT for Monday, Day 4. There may be typos or mistakes here, as it was finished late at night and Cat fell asleep on the couch next to me (how does one fall asleep while Friday Night Lights is on? I ask you this.) so I can't make sure everything here is good to go with her. OH WELL. If we need to change things, we'll do so in the morning when we wake up. - Sarah



Yep. Another one. Rar only, because uploading individual songs is way too much work.


Nov. 10th, 2012


Horror Plot Day 3!

Sup y'all! TIME FOR DAY 3 PLOT! We'll just jump right to it, as we're sure you're all eager to get started. Thanks again for being patient with us!


Nov. 9th, 2012


Shortly after the posts to the network an email went out to all students. The email contained the information in the first plot posts - that they believe George Cooper, the Vol in captivity, is to blame. They let everyone know that Cooper killed his guards during the night and has put everyone within the containment facility to sleep. Apparently George's powers were much, much more powerful than he was letting on to IVF officials. What they have deduced, however, is that his power allows him the ability to pull people into dreams and nightmares of his own creation, where he can injure or kill them. He is basically the Vol version of Freddy Krueger. However, IVI officials had considered George contained under sedation and isolation -- it turns out, he was just taking his time before revealing the true extent of his powers.

They are working on finding a solution to bring the students out of the dreams and students would like to volunteer to help with general tasks can meet on the first floor if the dorm building.


And... we're off!


You may now begin posting about the horror plot! It is now DAY 1. Please remember that small group network posts can only be seen by other members of that group. Also, don't forget to check out Kati's post about how to properly tag everything!

Have fun, everybody!



Listen up, ho(rror)s. I may not be a mod but I'm the tag-dictator (yes I just gave myself that title), so if you don't listen to me, I will have the mods kill all your characters. I may or may not be able to do that (i can't) but maybe I can (I can't) because I don't know my own powers yet (none). Maybe icon-Miyu will eat you. I'm also really tired so fyi.

For this plot, entries have the potential to get really confusing, so it's really important to tag your posts correctly. Within dreams characters can only text and write entries to others within their dreams, and since it's hard to expect everyone to remember who is in which group, tags are going to help with this.

Horror Plot Posting Guidelines:
  • Tag ALL posts during this time as "! plot: horror"
  • People in dreams, make sure to tag ALL your journal entries and log entries with your dreamworld specific tag. You'll see now there are tags in [info]invol_journals and [info]invol_rpg for "* horror: insane asylum" and all the other groups. You can bookmark these tags to easily find out what's going on in your dreamworld.
  • Students still at IVI, tag things with the "* horror: ivi" tag.
  • In logs especially, specify the "WHEN" as Day 1, Day 2, etc in addition to today's date (the date back at IVI). Not all dreams are on the same timeline - Zombie Apocalypse, for example, is in 2016.
  • It's not necessary, but it might be useful to put which dream your character is in (or if they're at IVI) in the subject of journal entries as well for quick reference.

Let me know if you have any questions.

ETA: NO RYAN I WILL NOT JUST BE TAGGING EVERYONE'S POSTS FOR THEM. I can't even remember who is on which training team it will be the worst thing in the world if i have to keep looking up who is in what dreamscape adslkfjdlskfjd

Nov. 8th, 2012


Day 2 updates!

We bring you the plot updates for DAY 2 - SATURDAY!

Heads up that the plot will officially kick off tomorrow (Friday) morning around 10am EST -- we will put an official 'HORROR PLOT STARTS NOW' post in the OOC comm so that you can know when it's kosher to start posting entries or logs pertaining to the plot.

Also, Cat is visiting Sarah starting tomorrow, and the two of us will be out eating dinner and drinking drinks tomorrow night, so there is a possibility that Sunday's plot won't go up until Saturday morning. :( Sorry in advance, these things are absolute monsters to put together.



OKAY. I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I want to let everyone kind of know how Marine is going to act in this plot so you have an idea of how she is treating your small group and/or when she is awake.

She is UnhappyTM. She is exhausted, as she's suffered all y'all's initial trauma, and now she has this. She does not have time for small groups asking her to check in or people or waking people asking her to check in on people in dreaming people. To her, there happens to be more important things at afoot. For her friends, she will grudgingly do stuff, but it's in her mind you do it for one person, everyone will start clamouring for her assistance. She is there to pass on information, create items as needed, and get to the next one; she then just wants to wake up, inform staff, and sleep. Stephen and Caleb are the only two people who will be treated very well by her in the upcoming plot.

Also anyone offering to make her powers stronger will be shot in the face with her foot because she is already suffering massive inadequacy regarding George being stronger than her (I hope with my narrative I set up how insanely into her power she is). ERGO I am looking for a volunteer in either the dream world or waking world to tell her she sucks basically and why can't she fix this BECAUSE I WANT TO LOG HER SNAPPING. TYVM.

TYFYT. I apologise in advance for anyone she snaps at or is a dick to.


nightmare playlist

BECAUSE I NEED MUSIC TO WRITE SOMETIMES, I thought it might be fun to compile some tunes appropriate for this weekend. Add to it below by linking it on youtube :)

I'll take a few and make a proper nightmare mix you can download later!

Nov. 7th, 2012



Here it is, your intro to this weekend's upcoming plot: HORROR PLOT!

On Thursday night, students will go to sleep as usual. However, sometime in the wee hours of the night/early morning, a number of them will fall into a much deeper sleep, and "awaken" in shared dreams - or really, nightmares.

Though they won’t know it at first, there is real danger posed in these nightmares - any injuries sustained in the dream will appear on one’s body when (IF!) they wake up, and if you die in the dream, your sleeping body will also perish. Students who fall into these dreams cannot be woken up by normal means - no amount of shaking, cold water to the face, or Inception-style ‘kicks’ will bring them out of it - they can only awaken when whatever (or whoever, as the case may be) is controlling these dreams is overcome.

Characters will be trapped within their dreams and won’t be able to contact people in other dreams or back home. However, because these dreams are a shared reality, they will all still have their phones and will be able to make network posts, phone calls, and texts only to other characters in their group. In reality, those texts and network posts aren't actually real -- they only exist within the minds of the people sharing that dream world. This means that they won't show up on the network or phones of anyone else.

Fortunately, Marine (our resident dream expert) and Caleb (our resident channeler who has been training with Marine on Team Magpie lately) will be able to enter and exit the dreams at will in order to pass along information and give updates. They will face all of the same dangers as people in the dream, however -- dream injuries = real life injuries, and dream death = real life death.

Throughout the weekend we will post updates for upcoming plot. This post contains the plot updates for Day 1, which is Friday -- we wanted to give as much advance notice for people to log as possible. Because we're working with limited time, these updates will have a lot of detail for you to play off of, but you’re more than welcome to do other things, too!

When we post the daily plot we will encourage you to discuss what happens in the comments underneath. And when it comes to actually playing them out, feel free to write full-out logs and/or mini-logs. As mentioned, characters will also have phone access for contacting other members of their own group via text, network, or calling. We wanted to post the Friday plots now, so that if you wish to get started on logs or minilogs for Friday, you may!

Students who aren’t assigned to a small group will have more limited plot opportunities -- though they’re not having the full dream-experience, there will be quite a lot to do and worry about on campus. Because of this, they will have their own plot update included in the daily updates!

And now... the reveal of the groups! )