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Jul. 14th, 2013


Involuntary RPG is now closed.

July 13, 2012 - July 14, 2013


Wow I really don't want to do this.

;___; )


THIS ICON ISN'T A MESSAGE, except the message that jay baruchel as remy is so fucking sleek. lord have mercy on that nerdling's career.

vomit )


this is another goodbye post.

Let's just call it, smell ya later. )


Since it looks like ill be stuck in traffic till the end of time, imma pull a Zoe and placeholders goodbye. Xoxo u kno u love me~

OKAY SO! I got out of traffic, hooray. Nevertheless, I hate goodbyes and I hate emotions, so I will keep this brief. Invol was my first step back into RP since Neopolis, and we can all thank Sarah for that -- I'd honestly thought I was done with RP for good. I'm so glad I let her convince (read: beg, she practically begged, obviously) me to join Invol, though; I hadn't realized just how much I missed having a creative outlet in my day-to-day life, nor just how rusty my writing had really gotten.

I've loved playing with all of you, both people I know from days of yore, and people I met here. You're all amazing and talented, and bring such terrific diversity and depth to your characters and plot -- honestly, that's one of the reasons Invol was the great game that it was. I'll miss it. I'll miss you! If you'd like to keep in touch, friend me at [info]faeriexlights (fair warning, I'm notoriously bad at adding people back, so please let me know if you do)!



And to think I quit for like a month... )

Jul. 15th, 2013


I really don't know what to say other than this:

But I will try nonetheless )

Jul. 14th, 2013



SO — if you don't have me added on the CDJs yet, you should friend me at [info]speedforce! I'll be posting future character stuff there, I think, once I've recovered from my hectic day of traveling. And I'll be doing stuff for invol_drabbles, if this tickles yr fancy.

This is Yet Another Goodbye Post. )


parting such sweet sorrow



Let's just say 'see you around' instead... )

Jul. 15th, 2013


i haven't used this icon in forever and it feels SO GOOD to see it again

This is less a goodbye, more THANK YOU ERRYONE! )



lbr i just wanted to use this icon )

Jul. 14th, 2013


HEY GUYS. So if you don't have my CDJ friended, you can find me at [info]gwenog. Anyway with all the ups and downs of invol I just wanted to thank everyone who wrote and plotted with me, listened to me cry to them, or listened to me spew garbage about my characters. This is going to be quick and dirty because I'm not 100% sure where my characters will be as I am still finishing up things, but I just wanted to put this out there. I'm sure I will post about where mine are headed in my cdj and will leave those entries unlocked for the super curious. I also want to especially thank Loren who was on 4 of my 5 teams and got 4 times as many dumb emails as anyone else in this game.



this is a rambly mess sorry )


I really don't have a fancy goodbye planned, despite some warm fuzzies and some sad feels too. I am glad I got to play this game, with all of its ups and downs, and I am grateful to everyone who wrote with me or chatted with me or gave me lovely things to read, and Cat and Sarah for dreaming this world up in the first place. Lots of good memories and good friendships were made, in character and out, and I will look back on these things fondly for years, I'm sure. ♥ I don't know what I'm going to do RP wise now (solicitations welcome, really), but I imagine in a few weeks I'll post more in-depth thoughts about the game and my characters in [info]igpayatinlay, where you can always find me. Good luck to everyone as we scatter out into the RP world!


the goodbye post. )


I refuse to say good-bye. I hope to see all of you around. However, Invol has been a wonderful experience, and it was because of YOU. If you don't have me added on my CDJ, I'm [info]childermass. I am posting here because this seems the popular place to give a quick future rundown, so have way more about my characters' futures than is strictly necessary.

In this bright future, you can't forget your past. )


I tried to keep this brief, but. )


Can I placehold my goodbye? :( :(



i'll try to keep this short and sweet )

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