May 13th, 2008

[info]ilikecomets in [info]introtofandom


My name is Lucas Scott, and I’m 22. I’m a published author having written the book An Unkindness of Ravens that chronicles my experiences in high school. I was born and raised in Tree Hill, North Carolina and I guess I’m what you can call a hometown boy. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever leave. I love to write, read literature and play basketball. There was a time that basketball was my whole life, but after suffering a heart attack, my love of basketball is lived through by coaching the Tree Hill basketball team with my boy, Skills and my brother Nathan. It’s the same team that my brother and I played on during high school.

Family life is complicated, and a bit confusing. My mother, Karen raised me by herself because Dan left us when she was pregnant with me and started a family with Deb. They had a son Nathan, who I didn’t associate myself with until high school. Actually, we couldn’t stand each other, but we ended up being friends and brothers. Keith, my uncle, Dan’s brother is who I consider to be my father because he had a hand in raising me was murdered by Dan. Keith, before he was murdered was engaged to my mother and they had a daughter, my new sister, Lily.

Haley is my best friend. She’s married to Nathan and they have a son, Jamie.

I was supposed to get married, but my fiancée, Lindsay … called it off claiming that my second book was about my ex, Peyton. Something about comets and I’m not going to elaborate further.

Right now, in my life, I’m trying to find order. Everything is scattered and to be honest, I have no idea where to go next.

But, first, I need to start with Lindsay and I need to get her back.

December 2008

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