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Shadow Magnet [Apr 19th, 10
11:33 pm

[ music | Lisa Gerrard - "Shadow Magnet" ]

Who: Eden, OPEN
Where: Foresty area at first before heading into town.
When: Afternoon
Warning: Naked lady-ness? Raw meats!

Meow? )

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Worst Morning Ever [Apr 19th, 10
9:33 pm

Who: Gwyn, Totally Open
Where: Uniform-3
When: Early Morning (slightly after Cath and Cooper's thread)

Slither Slither )
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Collateral Damage [Apr 17th, 10
9:27 pm

Who: Cathair and Cooper
Where: Uniform-1
When: Early morning

A crash in the next room woke Cathair from his sleep, which hadn't been that restful anyways. Eden had locked herself in her closet in an attempt to muffle the sounds that were getting progressively worse. If he and Jamie's mad conclusion, which was looking more and more likely true, was right, it would only get worse.

He'd taken up in a chair by her door, not wanting to make it any worse for her by crowding her. If they were right, it wasn't wise to be here, but he couldn't very well leave her alone if something else was going on.

It sucks when you're right. )
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Private Message to Riff [Apr 17th, 10
11:11 pm

Werewolves! I think they made people into freaking werewolves!

Sent at 5:05 PM
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Day 5 [Apr 17th, 10
10:42 pm

Day 5

Moon Phase
Full Moon

At midnight (the night of Day 4), Eden, Gwyn, and Ben begin to undergo a terrible transformation. Bones shift and audibly break as the body painfully mutate into animals: a panther, a snake, and a wolf, respectively.

Eden and Ben will either escape into the night as larger versions of their designated animals, or perhaps they will remain trapped inside their residences, perhaps lingering to dig into the refrigerator or the cupboards. Waking up in the morning, they will have only hazy memories of their night as animals -- and if they didn't wake up naked with their bodies aching, perhaps in the middle of the woods, they might put the strange encounter down as a dream. Fortunately, if they escaped their quarters, their noses will guide them back to town...

Gwyn suffers an entirely different fate. Her transformation into a were-snake was aborted partway through, perhaps her body's immune system attempting one last time to fight the wereism bacteria in her system. The night for her is a long one as her body fights with itself. Shortly before dawn, the pain coarsing through her system finally fades, allowing her to drift into an exhausted sleep. When she awakens, she is something new: half snake, half woman.

Outside, it's another beautiful day. As night settles over the island, the full moon will rise, large and lovely. Although the characters do not realize it, its tranquil perfection stands in eerie contrast to the monsters it will create.

At approximately 5:00 in the evening, everyone receives another messenger from the Commissioner -- and this time, it's a warning.

Mod Notes
Welcome our were-creatures and half-breeds to the Island, everybody! The fun and games are officially over. Characters who would like to assume that Drina, too, was meant to be a victim of wereism may now do so. Obviously, something went horribly wrong with her transformation...

Cath and Eden will need to role-play the transformation to assure that Cath survives. Fortunately, he's only dealing with a panther..whose saliva, nonetheless, carries the bacteria. If bitten, Cath's immune system will attempt to fight off the bacteria, which may present as a cold or as something more serious. Your choice!

I would appreciate some sort of description -- scene, email or otherwise -- for Gwyn's new form. I didn't want to assume anything, as I thought you might have an idea in your head for what she will turn out like.

For any questions about the transformation process, I will refer all of you to the recently posted description in the Supernaturals section of the site. The presented information is up for debate and comment...but this will get us started, anyway.
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Crazy Conspiracy Theories [Apr 17th, 10
11:58 am

Who: Cath and Eden
Where: Uniform-1
When: Late morning

He had no idea how he was going to begin to explain this to Eden. It was madness, but it was the only conclusion that could really be drawn given the circumstances. Especially since he wanted more than anything to be wrong. God please let him and Jamie have gone utterly mad.

Cathair let himself into Uniform-1. He didn't see any sign of Eden, but she'd shut herself in her closet as he'd left. Perhaps she was still there.

Bearer of bad news )
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I'll Take the High Road [Apr 10th, 10
10:50 pm

Who: Gwyn & Jamie
When: Afternoon
Where: Golf-4

too much, too soon )
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Reality Check [Apr 9th, 10
4:35 pm

Who: Cathair and open
Where: Golf-2
When: Mid morning

Cathair looked through the broken window of Golf-2, grinding his teeth and mentally scolding himself for being a fool. He'd let himself get distracted and now the most vulnerable of their number had disappeared. Been taken. Whatever. He didn't trust the Commissioner about her well being, nor did he like the idea of what 'contribution' she might have made. If they were taking skin samples, then idea of what these sick bastards would do with her baby made his stomach go sour.

Drina likely would have chewed off his ear for considering her vulnerable, and even more so for beating himself up for at least not checking on her. He'd assumed foolishly that since she'd not been attacked the night before, she was safe. Forgetting that these soulless bastards didn't have any scruples and Drina and her unborn child were just as likely to be victimized as any of the rest of them. In fact, it seems they were the first.

Desperate situation indeed. )
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Day 4 [Apr 4th, 10
1:31 am

Day 4

The rainclouds finally reached the Island at approximately 2:00 AM. Heavy rain and gusts of wind batter the island, accompanied by the crashing of thunder and the illumination of lightning. Citizens in the area of Golf Block heard a very different sort of crash shortly after the storm began, the result of which becomes clear by morning light.

Waking up, everyone will find a new message from the Commissioner awaiting their attention.

By morning, the storm has largely ended. A few showers of warm rain continue to fall, but the dark clouds soon part to allow rays of sunshine to fall on the broken remains of Golf-2, which was previously inhabited by Drina. Most noticable is the shattered glass outside the window, accompanied by a broken windowframe. Inside, the home is in pieces: furniture is broken, clothes are torn apart, and large scratches mark the home in various places. Even those without any experience in tracking will be unable to miss the last piece of evidence left in the mud: a single set of large, canine footprints lead away from the home.

Eden, Ben, and Gwyn awaken in the morning feeling well-rested. Their sleep was entirely undisturbed. Yet, each feels a little different. Eden's ears are more sensitive today, and although the crashing of the storm did not bother her during the night, she will have to learn to cope with her strange ability to hear sounds as soft as passing footfalls outside her home. For Ben, his nose has improved; from the moment his eyes open, he is awash in a bewildering number of new scents -- from people, from the wildlife, and from the various foods in the Island's kitchen. Finally, Gwyn will experience, perhaps, the strangest transformation of all: like Ben, her sense of smell has improved -- although, not with her nose. Throughout the day, Gwyn will discover that her tongue is now capable of capturing scents, which her brain processes as something similar to taste. Gwyn's bizarre transformation requires her to open her mouth to smell in this way, but that is perhaps for the better: not all scents are good, after all.

The storm is completely gone by midday, and, although cooler than the balmy weather the citizens of the Island have become accustomed to, it is, nevertheless, still a beautiful day.

If you feel anything needs to be mentioned in the Time Update, contact a moderator!
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[Mar 30th, 10
10:23 am
Who: King and the mysterious woman
What: Massive confusion!
When: Early morning, Day 3
Rating: Probably low, unless King curses

Of all my demon spirits I need you the most )
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