Sunday, May 9th, 2010

After The Moon

Who: Eden & Cathair
Where: Cathair's cottage
When: Early morning

What's new, pussycat? )
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Saturday, April 17th, 2010

Collateral Damage

Who: Cathair and Cooper
Where: Uniform-1
When: Early morning

A crash in the next room woke Cathair from his sleep, which hadn't been that restful anyways. Eden had locked herself in her closet in an attempt to muffle the sounds that were getting progressively worse. If he and Jamie's mad conclusion, which was looking more and more likely true, was right, it would only get worse.

He'd taken up in a chair by her door, not wanting to make it any worse for her by crowding her. If they were right, it wasn't wise to be here, but he couldn't very well leave her alone if something else was going on.

It sucks when you're right. )
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Crazy Conspiracy Theories

Who: Cath and Eden
Where: Uniform-1
When: Late morning

He had no idea how he was going to begin to explain this to Eden. It was madness, but it was the only conclusion that could really be drawn given the circumstances. Especially since he wanted more than anything to be wrong. God please let him and Jamie have gone utterly mad.

Cathair let himself into Uniform-1. He didn't see any sign of Eden, but she'd shut herself in her closet as he'd left. Perhaps she was still there.

Bearer of bad news )
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Friday, April 9th, 2010

Reality Check

Who: Cathair and open
Where: Golf-2
When: Mid morning

Cathair looked through the broken window of Golf-2, grinding his teeth and mentally scolding himself for being a fool. He'd let himself get distracted and now the most vulnerable of their number had disappeared. Been taken. Whatever. He didn't trust the Commissioner about her well being, nor did he like the idea of what 'contribution' she might have made. If they were taking skin samples, then idea of what these sick bastards would do with her baby made his stomach go sour.

Drina likely would have chewed off his ear for considering her vulnerable, and even more so for beating himself up for at least not checking on her. He'd assumed foolishly that since she'd not been attacked the night before, she was safe. Forgetting that these soulless bastards didn't have any scruples and Drina and her unborn child were just as likely to be victimized as any of the rest of them. In fact, it seems they were the first.

Desperate situation indeed. )
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Monday, March 29th, 2010

Stress Relief

Who: Cathair and Eden
Where: Uniform - 1
When: Sunset
Warning: NSFW

Cathair was mindful to be to Eden's cottage before the sun went down. Besides not wanting to deal with the bloody wargs if they returned with only a cobbled together slingshot and a few kitchen knives as weapons, there was always the possibility they'd take her again as soon as night fell. Not that he expected to be able to stop it from happening again. But he'd try.

Let it never be said he wasn't a proper guest. )
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Saturday, March 20th, 2010


WHO: Cathair and Eden
WHEN: Morning
WHERE: The Gym in town

To say Cathair was getting restless was an understatement. Two nights in a row of drinking hadn't made things any better, although today at least, his groin didn't hurt. Reading was no good, he'd already read all the books he had, and his mind was far too busy to concentrate on reading. Praying hadn't help much either.

So he was down to beating out the stress. Luckily, there was a small gym in town. He didn't need much, just a heavy bag and a few hours. He was dressed simply in a black sleeveless tee shirt that's screen printed design had long faded to a collection of dots and a plain gray pair of sweats with his usual heavy boots, his hair clubbed back and his hands wrapped up with athletic tape he'd nicked from the druggist's shop. After warming up, he started taking out his frustrations on the heavy bag.

His fighting style was nearly pure boxing, with the occasional knee shot or cross jab with an elbow. Effective and brutal. This was what he needed, to work up a good sweat and off some of the nervous energy that was building. They were waiting for the axe to fall and it had set his combat nerves to nonstop twitching. This would hopefully keep him from making another mistake like he had with Eden.
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Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Who: Jolene and Cathair
Where: Pub
When: Night
I'm a pepper, he's a pepper, she's a pepper, we're all doctor peppers )
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Friday, March 12th, 2010


WHO: Eden & Open
WHERE: Out on the 'streets'
WHEN: Late afternoonish

There were a lot of things that could make that taste in her mouth... )
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Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

An Adventure

Who: Cathair and Jamie
Where: The Forest's Edge
When: Afternoonish

To a teenage boy like himself, this was an adventure. )
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Friday, March 5th, 2010

WHO: Drina and OPEN
WHERE: Beginning in Golf-2; Exploring around her new "home"
WHEN: late morning, noonish

Drina was conscious before she actually realized that she was awake. Instead of being caught in a place of thoughtless darkness, she was acutely aware of an ache in her muscles and the feeling of dizzyness, even though she was lying down. She couldn't remember exactly what had happened before, but she certainly remembered the men dressed in black masks. She moved her fingertips, one at a time, and then each of her toes to make sure she had suffered no injuries to her limbs or spine. Her neck turned to the right and then to the left and once she was satisfied that she still had the ability to move, her eyes opened.

Bright sunlight filtered in through a nearby window, illuminating a white room with red trim. The ceiling had a strange texture to it, and in the middle, a ceiling fan was silently rotating. This was not her home. This was not where she was supposed to be. She bolted upright in bed, a little too quickly, she learned as a wave of slight nausea hit her. When she swallowed, all she could taste was copper, and it was disgusting. Her eyes left the walls for a brief moment to travel down to her bulging stomach. Her hands caressed the flesh only for a second, before she was assured enough to stand up.

She was still in her nightgown )
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Preparing for the Worst

WHO: Cathair and RiffRaff
WHERE: The hardware store
WHEN: Morning

Cathair's first stop was the local hardware store. Besides sporting goods stores, there were few better places for improvised weapons. Especially if there were nail guns. Nails propelled at high speeds were excellent weapons, he'd learned that long ago. If not, the damage somebody could do with a simple claw hammer was amazing. He'd settle for one of those if there was nothing else. He could always fashion himself a slingshot as well. Most likely they even had some heavy gauge ball bearings that worked well for shot. If not, he could always find something else.

As he had learned from checking out a few other buildings, the hardware store was unlocked and open. And apparently someone was already there. He heard nosy clattering and things being moved about and possibly taken apart. "Hello?" he called out, following the noises to their source. Which was a rail thin girl with a shaved head who was taking apart things like she had a purpose.
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Not What He Was Expecting

WHO: Cathair
WHERE: Bravo-2
WHEN: Morning

Intro for Cathair )
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Cathair Delaney - Abduction

Cathair- Abduction )
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