Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

WHO: Drina and Belle
WHAT: Nommins
WHEN: Lunchtime
WHERE: Golf-2

Thanks to the offer on the site, Drina had invited Belle over for lunch. She supposed that making friends on this island wouldn't be a terrible thing; she still planned on leaving and escaping, but that wouldn't happen for quite some time, clearly. She had never thought of herself as being one of the "soccer moms" that were so popular in the States, but having lunch with a woman of a similar age didn't sign her away to specific archetype.

The table was set and Drina had prepared a fruit dish that was quite simply mango slices with Spanish pepper sprinkled across them. She smiled, thinking of how her mother would keep fresh fruits in their apartment. She had only been here for a full day, but she desperately wanted to speak to her mother. Not to mention Heath. She had no idea when he would return to their home.

The doorbell ringing brought Drina out of the kitchen, her hair in a single plait and her most comfortable pants around her hips. she arrived at the door with a bright smile on her face.
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Friday, March 5th, 2010

WHO: Drina and OPEN
WHERE: Beginning in Golf-2; Exploring around her new "home"
WHEN: late morning, noonish

Drina was conscious before she actually realized that she was awake. Instead of being caught in a place of thoughtless darkness, she was acutely aware of an ache in her muscles and the feeling of dizzyness, even though she was lying down. She couldn't remember exactly what had happened before, but she certainly remembered the men dressed in black masks. She moved her fingertips, one at a time, and then each of her toes to make sure she had suffered no injuries to her limbs or spine. Her neck turned to the right and then to the left and once she was satisfied that she still had the ability to move, her eyes opened.

Bright sunlight filtered in through a nearby window, illuminating a white room with red trim. The ceiling had a strange texture to it, and in the middle, a ceiling fan was silently rotating. This was not her home. This was not where she was supposed to be. She bolted upright in bed, a little too quickly, she learned as a wave of slight nausea hit her. When she swallowed, all she could taste was copper, and it was disgusting. Her eyes left the walls for a brief moment to travel down to her bulging stomach. Her hands caressed the flesh only for a second, before she was assured enough to stand up.

She was still in her nightgown )
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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Drina Perez -- Abduction

Drina Perez -- Abduction )
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