Sep. 5th, 2007


cinnamon bubblegum!

yep. i have a whopping three drabbles done already. here they are mushed into one post. originally done in 3/07.

Title: At the Pub
Author: [info]tattooedsappho
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Tonks/Ginny
Author's Note: femslash100's Around the Clock Challenge (00:00 - beginning)

At the Pub )

Title: Past is Past
Author: [info]tattooedsappho
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Tonks/Ginny
Author's Note: femslash100's Around the Clock Challenge (01:00 - prehistoric)

Past is Past )

Title: It Helps
Author: [info]tattooedsappho
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Tonks/Ginny
Author's Note: femslash100's Around the Clock Challenge. (02:00 - anniversary)

It Helps )
Tags: , , ,


Around The Clock

Over at femslash100 I'm taking part in the "around the clock" challenge. A drabble challenge with 24 prompts. This is my masterlist, and it will be updated with links to all the drabbles as I complete them. ^_^

**Since the release of Deathly Hallows this is definitely an AU series of drabbles!**

femslash100 Around the Clock Challenge

Harry Potter : Tonks/Ginny

00:00 - beginning 01:00 - prehistoric 02:00 - anniversary 03:00 - generational
04:00 - insomnia 05:00 - contemporary 06:00 - dawn 07:00 - awakened
08:00 - heyday 09:00 - planned 10:00 - wristwatch 11:00 - punctual
12:00 - lunchtime 13:00 - instantaneous 14:00 - season 15:00 - unpredictable
16:00 - evolution 17:00 - finite 18:00 - afterlife 19:00 - outdated
20:00 - twilight 21:00 - mourned 22:00 - heartbeat 23:00 - endless