Jul. 29th, 2008


inspiration hit at work today...

Title: Percy's Tests
Author: [info]tattooedappho
Rating: PG-13 / R
Wordcount: 662
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Rufus Scrimgeour / Percy Weasley
Warning: This story is AFU. srsly.
Author's Notes: Written for celestineangel as part of HP_Crackship. Spoof of a certain scene from South Park (Season 2 - Summer Sucks).

Percy's Tests )

Nov. 5th, 2007


Fic or Treat! (a little late...)

Title: Pet
Author: userinfotattooedsappho
Rating: NC-17 (or a very "R" R...not really sure)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Bella/Harry, Bella/Narcissa, Harry/Draco (implied)
Warning: Dom/Sub, bondage, implied non-con
Notes: "Fic or Treat" for siriuslysnogged

candy is dandy but lick-her is quicker )