Feb. 29th, 2012


AU Day Start

It's past midnight EST, so that means that it's officially AU day!

The theme this month is: SUPERNATURAL CREATURE DAY.

Remember that it's very low-pressure, and these scenes have absolutely no bearing on anything, so they can be as slow-moving as you want them to be! It's just for fun and gives us a chance to explore what our characters would be like without the zombie apocalypse!

Think of it as a character development exercise! Have fun with it guys!

Dec. 31st, 2011


Let the AU Day festivities begin!

It's past midnight EST, so that means that it's officially AU day!

The theme this month is: NEW YEARS WITHOUT ZOMBIES.

Remember that it's very low-pressure, and these scenes have absolutely no bearing on anything, so they can be as slow-moving as you want them to be! It's just for fun and gives us a chance to explore what our characters would be like without the zombie apocalypse!

Think of it as a character development exercise! Have fun with it guys!