April 8th, 2013

[info]immunemod in [info]immune_ooc


Hey guys!

We just posted a huge round of ads, and since we're hoping to get some new blood with the new ad Lucy made, we're going to actually have to start enforcing things like sweeps! We've been really lenient these last few months, but for the sake of fairness to the people who consistently make activity every month, we're going to get serious about it. Our sweeps policy is very easygoing, and we hope you can understand.

We're also making a very slight change to the requirements: 1 thread and 2 journals/texts post per month, per character, as opposed to one of each. We figure that's not a lot to ask.

And while we have you? We used to do character spotlights way back in the day. They used to be a really fun character development activity for both the askees and the askers. How would you guys feel about reviving those?

Thanks guys! ♥

~ Lizi and Lucy