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Jan. 9th, 2012


Pre-sewer thread plot post

I'm about to post the sewer thread (a couple of days early, so that people have plenty of time to get things going and finished), and I figured I'd use this post as a last minute chance to figure out posting orders, also give people a last minute chance to plot with the members of their group!

Let's get to chit-chatting, folks!

Dec. 7th, 2011



Let's Plot!

It's been awhile since we've done one of these, and we think it's time. With the influx of new people, we have a lot of opportunity for new plot and epic line!filling, so why don't we use it?

Is there a line (or even a premade... some folks are ready for second or third characters!) you want filled? Or a storyline that you desperately want to explore for your characters? Is there just something that you want to scene or a character that you'd like to offer to someone else?

Let us know! I'm sure, with everyone here, there's someone who'd be more than willing to help you out with that. Comment with each of your characters, with a list of things you'd like, and if you see a comment that catches your fancy? Reply to it!

Have fun, guys!

Oct. 28th, 2011



The mods have had a couple brainstormy ideas over the past couple of days, one of which involved Immune animals.

We figured that just like humans, animals can be Immune and non-Immune, and in the most obvious application for this would be Immune guard dogs at safehouses. In a less all-around application, though, feel free to have your characters find and adopt any pet that they find around NYC.

And now to our second point!

Is there a scene you're dying to play out with your character? Is there a character you're dying to play against? Is there a gamewide plot you'd like to suggest to the mods? Well, now's your chance! This is an open plot call!

In this post, pretty much anything goes when it comes to plotting.

Tomorrow, we'll be posting something of a Free For All Halloween post with some fun little Halloween-related IC/OOC games for us to play, so be on the lookout for that!

If you have any questions about anything in this post, you can ask us here, comment in the drop box or email us (!

Have fun and happy playing!
~ Lizi and Lucy, Immune Mods

Sep. 30th, 2011


Hello, everyone!

Your friendly mods here posting an open plotting call. Is there anything you can't wait to plot out? Anything lines you want filled? Any events you have to suggest? Post them here. Chances are that someone around here will agree with you.

Also, we wanted to point your attention to the premades page. If you have a line you want filled and no one currently in game quite fits the bill, post a premade in that post. Half the time, that's the first place people look when looking to join a new game, so the more premades on that list, the better! Besides, we're all mad RP addicts here, right? It's only a matter of time before the New Character Bug bites.

Plotting and threads await us! Don't be shy, jump right in!

~ Lizi and Lucy, Mods of Immune

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