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Feb. 1st, 2012


This is your last chance to nominate people/scenes or change/add to your nominations in the superlatives post if you haven't already! We'll be collecting and compiling all the nominations tonight and posting them for you to vote for tomorrow, after we finish sweeps!

Get those nominations in if you want some say!

Jan. 26th, 2012


AU Day #2: Plot Post

Read more... )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Hey guys! Just a quick reminder to nominate people/scenes in the superlatives post if you haven't already! We also wanted to let you all know that we added a new category for "best IC nickname" for you to nominate for!

Also, we wanted to let you know to expect the January AU day plot post in a couple of days!

That aside, we did a premade post just a week or so ago but it didn't really get as much activity as we expected. So! Here's another one.

Is there a line (or even a premade... some folks are ready for second or more characters!) you want filled? Or a storyline that you desperately want to explore for your characters? Is there just something that you want to scene or a character that you'd like to offer to someone else?

Let's see if we can't get it filled!

You guys are the best!

~ Lizi and Lucy ;; Immune Mods

Jan. 19th, 2012


Rule change regarding activity.

Hey everyone! We mods had a little brainstorming session this morning and decided to share the results with all of you. :)

Starting in February, we're going to have a slight change in our activity requirements. As it stands, we request three forms of activity, one thread and two journals. But starting in February, we're changing that. Flipping it around, if you will. Starting February 1st, we'll be asking you for two threads and one journal. You can always do more, but that is the minimum, for you to be able to meet activity. If you've got any questions, comments or concerns, please let us know.

On a semi-related note, our sweeps warning list is sort of short this month! But here it is!

Chase Amori
Elisa Delaney
Tim Reed
Lisbeth Saunders

You all have until around the first of February to make activity! And as ever, we're open to any questions or belated hiatus notices you might want to tell us about. Also, please drop a comment to let us know that you read and understand!

Have fun and happy playing!

~ Lizi and Lucy ;; Immune Mods

Jan. 17th, 2012


Just a note!

Please remember to tag your scenes in the main comm! It helps us stay organized and stuff.

ALSO, if your character doesn't have a tag, let us know! :)

♥ Lucy

Dec. 31st, 2011


Let the AU Day festivities begin!

It's past midnight EST, so that means that it's officially AU day!

The theme this month is: NEW YEARS WITHOUT ZOMBIES.

Remember that it's very low-pressure, and these scenes have absolutely no bearing on anything, so they can be as slow-moving as you want them to be! It's just for fun and gives us a chance to explore what our characters would be like without the zombie apocalypse!

Think of it as a character development exercise! Have fun with it guys!

Dec. 29th, 2011


AU Day Plotting time!


Far, far later than we wanted it to be, but here it is.

AU day is coming right up on the 31st. So! Come at us with any AU's you want to explore for your character, any AU's you want to see explored between two characters or any questions you might have about AU day in general! I know some of you weren't here for the announcement, so there are probably bundles of questions.

The theme for this first AU Day will be New Years: Without Zombies. Tell us what your character would be doing for New Years Eve if the zombies were not an issue.

~ Lizi and Lucy ;; Immune Mods

Dec. 9th, 2011


Quick reminder, folks!

Remember to run the friend button! We've got a bunch of new characters around and we want them to feel as included as possible! :)

How would you all feel about a couple of group threads soon? I figure they could promote interaction that wouldn't normally happen, so it'd be good for us.

One more thing: from now on, we decided that rather than putting character spotlights to a vote, we're going to randomize them. It makes it more fair that way and we were really only getting votes for a handful of characters, so we have a nice list all set up which we'll add characters to as they come in. :)

EDIT: About the friend button... it's sort of failing at life right now, and while we are trying to fix it, we'd really appreciate it if you'd manually add new folks as they come in. We know it's inconvenient, but we're doing our best to work on it. ♥
Turns out, we needed to split the friend button into an add button and a remove button because the game is getting so big, which is both awesome and frustrating. But more awesome. ;)

Thanks for your time!
~Lizi and Lucy ;; Immune Mods

Nov. 15th, 2011


Are you getting sick of us yet? :P

Greetings, Immunites!

We now have an FAQ page set up that specifically caters to those who want to use the intranet system!

We'd like to thank everyone who contributed their opinions of how it should work, and if you have any other suggestions for what we should add or change, remember that we're always listening. :)

~ Lizi & Lucy ;; Immune Mods

Nov. 9th, 2011


Modpost of idea sharing!

Hello again, Immunites!

We two mods have been seriously hacking away at some fun OOC ideas and wanted to get a feel for what you guys thought of them before we went ahead and started doing them, so here we are!

First of all, we had the idea to do weekly or biweekly character spotlights. What we mean by this, more or less, is that we pick a character at random, using these and a number system, and when we post the spotlight, you can use it as an opportunity to post IC related questions that will have no bearing whatsoever on the game itself. For example, if we posted a spotlight on Leah, Evan would comment and ask "Why are you such a raging bitch?" or another question like that. We've been tossing that idea around for awhile, but we wanted to gauge your reaction before we actually implemented it.

Second of all, advertisements. We've been thinking about doing character specific advertisements for awhile now. Lucy, being the awesome code lady that she is, has put together an awesome template for some character specific advertisements, from a couple of things we posted on the premades page. It would look something like this:

cut for a somewhat large ad )

How do you all feel about this idea? We just want a couple "yes or no" opinions before we start talking about putting them together for your characters.

You guys make this game absolutely awesome, we just wanted you all to know that. Feel free to ask any questions, comments or suggestions here. We're always listening. :)

~ Lizi and Lucy; Immune mods

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