September 23rd, 2012

[info]immunemod in [info]immune_ooc

Monthly Plot Post :: September Redux


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[info]perishtwice in [info]immune_ooc


So, um, you guys don't have any top secret online hazings for n00bs or anything, right? Because I'm as newbie as they get! I'm Anna, and I just got accepted to this game, which I've been peeking at for a while now. But I had to think of a character first.

This is Noah, and he's run the gamut from being a high school English teacher to a tattoo artist. He's also a bit difficult, although he likes to think of it as being the delicious chocolate center inside a slightly bitter shell (kind of like those Ferrero Rocher candies that have the chewy almond stuff on the outside? I hate those just because of that). He has a good heart, but not everyone gets to see that. He was at the Americana for a few months before it was overtaken, and after that he lived at the Madison Square Garden safehouse for two years, and I'd say he hasn't been at Sing Sing for long.

His bio can be found here, and my contact post is here. I'd love to get started here and get something going for him. Did your character know him in the past, do they know him now, do they want to meet him? That can be arranged! Hit me up, please, so I can get over that uncomfy 'oh hai there I'm a n00b' feeling that I have right now!