June 18th, 2012

[info]gracelessheart in [info]immune_ooc

Hey guys! Just a heads up that I'm going to be dropping Adelaide and John from the game, but I'll be sticking around with Finn. As far as I can see that should be relatively seamless, but let me know if there's anything dangling I'm not thinking of and we can work on it!

[info]martyjhiggins in [info]immune_ooc

I was serious when I said I have a problem.

Hey guys, Ari again with my THIRD character. No more muses for a while I hope....

This is Marty. He's the infamous ROOKIE that O'Brien may or may not have mentioned, depending on his interactions with your characters.

He's, well, obnoxious. He's a coward that hides behind flirting, booze, and humor. He's an arrogant little bastard, and couldn't care less what people think of him. (Though deep down, he might.)

I think his sole existence is to annoy O'Brien to no end. (And he does it well.) But he's got the personality that he'd probably bully other people as well. He was bullied himself as a kid, it's become a cycle, yadda yadda yadda.

And if you're female, and good looking, he's gonna say something. And it's probably not going to be nice. He's prone to wolf calling, blatant staring, and brash comments about how he thinks so-and-so's rack is hot.

I bet if someone were to get close to him, and were to see behind his facade, they'd realize that he really is a nice person hiding deep down inside a very twisted man. Deep, deep down inside. He also plays dumb quite often, but isn't, he's just too lazy to apply himself 99% of the time.

And he's got a perpetual sweet tooth.

He's not AT Sing Sing yet. But he will be soon. I think his plan is to weasel his way in the front gate (which is, as far as I know, still not completely fixed), and reunite with his ~favorite person evar~.

Did I mention he has a labrador too? He does. Dog's name is Jericho, and he's a pup and will probably LOVE everyone.

Other stuff in his bio.

I hope he's as fun to play against as he's been to write up.

/sits back down

[info]reapinghavok in [info]immune_ooc

Apologies for my slow-ish tags lately. I'm not ignoring you, I promise. Unexpectedly long work week is unexpectedly long. :|