Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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September 5th, 2007

06:14 pm - Blind Go meme
Ai Ling said I should do her meme...so I did.
recuperation meme
Five fics I almost wrote for Blind Go ... but didn't
because I'm a putz and finished nothing:
1. Tsutsui's stuck in a rut several years down the road and reunites with Kaga by chance. They escape their respective ruts and have sex.
2. Pirate AU, which died because it was very silly and I felt like I was copycatting Muri
3. Tsutsui pushes Hikaru in front of a subway train.....yeaaaaaaah.
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover/fusion
5. Assassin or Ninja AU. Then I thought of a Naruto fusion, and remembered Muri's ninjafic which means I am a huge copycat.

There were a few others, but those were the major contenders.

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