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28th Mar, 2009



I made a very pretty taken characters entry. Please make sure your character(s)'s information is correct :)

Also, I totally forgot to ask everyone to run the friend button to add Tyra's new character, Leoben Yaxley. So, uh. Do that. :D

19th Mar, 2009


Character Add!

Hello, everyone! Jamie has joined the game with Marlene McKinnon ([info]marly)! Please run the friend button!

17th Mar, 2009


Character Add!

Hello, everyone! Cori has joined the game with Regulus Black ([info]the_littleking). Please run the friends button!

** ALSO! I made a few changes to the taken/available character page. It's a little bigger, and (I THINK) a little more organized. I extended hold times as well, just to make things a little easier for everyone. What do you guys think? (Please let me know if I made a boo boo anywhere...)

I was also contemplating adding a played characters section to the mod journal, just with an image, basic information, etc. Yes/No?

(Sorry that we've been off to such a slow start--Robyn has been sick this week and I'm up to my eyeballs in schoolwork. Everything will get a'rolling pretty quick here, promise. :))

15th Mar, 2009


The Game is Open!

Hello, everyone! This is Alie here, one half of the mod squad--An Ill Wind is officially open! Please introduce yourselves and your character(s) to everyone here in the OOC community so we'll get the relationships/plots a'rolling. I'll be getting up some key RP plot related info fairly quickly here regarding the campaign for Minister of Magic, as well as the background information related to the change of canon when the original prophecy took place. For now, here are a few reminders/points of interest:

- It is March 15, 1980. You'll find a monthly calendar here. These will be posted every month to help you/us keep track of days and events. These posts will also be a timeline reference point; all important plot-related events/owls/etc. will be posted and linked here. You'll be able to reference them through the community tags ('calendar' or 'month year').

- Speaking of tags, please tag all RPs/owls with the names of the character(s) involved.

- We only have two communities to keep things simple and easy to manage for Robyn and I; owls and RPs should be posted in [info]an_ill_wind, and OOC posts should be made in this community, [info]illwindooc. If you want to include NPC characters in play, the NPC character journal is [info]illwindnpc. The password is posted in a Friends Only post in the journal. You should feel free to upload any applicable character icons. :)

- You'll find the friend add button and our list of player information here. We'll update as we receive and accept new characters/players, and a post will be made in this community asking you to run the button.

- For the first month you are in the game you are limited to a three character cap. Once this period has passed, you are welcome to take on up to five characters. Any character applications submitted after your initial application do not have to include writing samples. We will let you know when your month is up (one month from the day you posted your initial application).

- Please be sure to refresh yourself on the game rules before starting play, particularly those concerning posting guidelines and activity requirements; feel free to contact either of the mods (Alie & Robyn) on AIM.

- You are welcome to friends-lock any entries in your character's personal journal, but we ask that you keep your profile visible so that applicants may have the opportunity to browse the game and get a feel for the characters theirs may be joining in play.

... I do believe that that's everything! There'll be a few more plot-related posts in the next few days, but for now let's just get started and get the game rolling! :D

- Alie

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