25th Sep, 2009


so i seem to make a lot of posts in the ooc comm. sorry about that. firstly, sorry that i haven't been as active as i could be with my characters, especially severus. but, when i'm less busy i intend to have him post with an in-game reason for his absence so it's all good.

so i move to university tomorrow. eeeeeeeeee excited. and then fresher's week commences. it's seriously hectic and i don't know when i'll be able to post/comment - i also don't know when i'll actually get internet access in my room yet. i'll have my blackberry so if you need me, you can mail giddytron@gmail.com.

so i'll see you around the beginning of october!

- amanda.

PS. butterscotch noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

9th Sep, 2009



I need a hiatus. I'm not sure when I'll come back. Sorry. My NPC part in the Bones' log is done, but I'll have to pull from the McMillans' log, sorry about that. At least it's not started yet.

19th Aug, 2009


hey guys. tomorrow is the day i get my a-level results and hopefully the confirmation of my place in university and there are two ways it can go. i'll get shitty results and spend the next few days emoing in my room and/or drowning my sorrows. OR i'll get surprisingly good results and spend the next few days absolutely pissed/hungover.

either way. i won't be on for the next two or three days. this'll affect severus, charity, henry and gilderoy. i'll probably be on aim at some point though.

- amanda. (:

16th Jul, 2009


hey guys! amanda here. i'm going to my grandad's caravan (which shall be fun fun fun!) tomorrow through monday. i've got my blackberry so it shouldn't change a lot, i can look at my flist and such, but it is a caravan known to be lacking in reception so i might not be able to get on.

hopefully though, i'll still be on aim. just letting you know in case i'm not here for a few days. (:

15th Jul, 2009



Peacing out to go hang out with her, so I'm on semi-hiatus until the 23rd AND THEN I WILL BE BACK TO ANAGONIZING/MUTILATING/INSULTING your characters :)

14th Jul, 2009



So I'm just letting you all know that I am going to be on semi-hiatus for the next few days because TYRA IS COMING TO VISIT, AND WE'RE GOING TO BE BUSY ENJOYING CHICAGO.


I'm a wee bit excited.

So yeah. I'm sure we'll be around a bit, but just in case, I'm going on a semi-hiatus! HUZZAH!

Sorry to people who had to read this more than once!


Hey everyone. I know I haven't been around a lot in the past few days. I don't know how many people check my personal journal but I'm at home for a while dealing with family stuff and I won't be on a whole lot. As of now I'm taking a hiatus from all my games. I'm not exactly sure how long but I'll be sure to let everyone know what's happening as this week continues.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.




Hey everyone,

I'm going to go ahead and bump up my AIM hiatus to an actual hiatus until early next week. (I'll be back before Madeline's shower!) Everything has been really crazy in my RL and once I get home from work I'm usually so stressed that I can hardly bring myself to sit at the computer after doing it for eight hours straight. XD

If you need to contact me at all, feel free to email me at jamielynn.who@gmail.com.

Thanks for being patient!


16th Jun, 2009


small hiatus

Hi, guys. I'm sorry I haven't been active, I've been so caught up in my work for college (tomorrow, I'm free!) that I just haven't been able to. But, unfortunately, I received some bad news on Saturday. My mother has a (small) tumor and right now, everything is just a bit stressfull around here. So, I'll pretty much be absent for another week or so, but after that, I'll delve into the game! I still have no idea what goes on half of the time but I'll get on that as soon as I can. Thank you!

Elizabeth, aka Calliope.

5th Jun, 2009


Hey guys. Because the responsible people that I live with like to buy things we can't afford instead of paying bills, I think I'm going to be absent for a while because we have no internet. At the moment I'm on an unsecured network that never usually works, so chances are I won't be able to get back on it when I want to.

It shouldn't be for long though, hopefully! I really don't want to miss the AOM and Bertha's birthday, but if I do, I'm so so sorry for letting you down. ♥

31st May, 2009



Hello folks, on Thursday morning (the 4th) I will be heading west for a cousin's graduation. My wireless access will be spotty and I will be spending a great deal of time with family members that I haven't seen since Thanksgiving. I have not been this excited in quite some time so it should be an amazing time! I most likely will return on the following Tuesday afternoon (the 9th).

Hope everyone has a blast with the attempted massacre storyline and I will be looking forward to reading pages of entries when I return.

25th May, 2009


Sorry everyone!

Hey Everyone! i'm so sorry i've been absent lately. I'm afraid I might have to take a short hiatus to try and get some things (including my health) in order.

I really miss playing with everyone and hopefully I will be back soon! (Ali or Robyn just let me know the specific guidelines I have to follow and how much notice I have to give for things).
