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18th Aug, 2009


A Reintroduction of Sorts

Hey guys!

So I've talked to Robyn, and now I want to apologize to all of you for being so very absent. Between school, work, vacation, seeing doctors, and totaling a car - I've been a bit flaky. However, things are now settling, and so I'm ready to jump right back into the game.

However, I'm so behind, so I'm gonna kinda approach it like a new player. So anything you think I should know - please tell me! Or ping me at gottahhavefaith.

I'll post a journal for Mary here soon - and I'm glad to be actually back!!

17th Aug, 2009


Interrogation log from Friday is done!

16th Aug, 2009


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around the past few days!

I know I've missed a few things like Hestia's birthday! I was thinking that they went out for drinks and bought her a few nice paintings that she did to decorate her place and gave her a very nice picture frame with a picture of her and her father when she was younger? I'd just say she contacted her mother to see if it's okay? If that's not cool then I can think of something else. :D

If there's anything else I need to know, let me know!

10th Aug, 2009


I am procrastinating seem to be on some kind of writing high at the moment, and I was wondering if anybody fancied roleplaying with dear Gilderoy? He seems to have no friends in game at the moment and it would be nice if he could make some. 8)

You'll make him (and his pony) sad if you resist.


So, I am kind of failing at getting acclimated to this game, which makes me sad because a) I love MWPP-era games, b) I like the character, and c) this game seems FAB. (And the people I already know and have played with here I adore, too).

However, considering the fact that I am in the process of moving (soon!! as in the next couple weeks, eek!), ended up going out of town for a week to a place that was not technology friendly (a good 30 minute drive to the nearest place with wifi!), and the game being really established and faced paced, I feel very overwhelmed and, well, LOST!

Would anyone like to log or thread with Andrew to help me get my feet (and head) into this game? I would appreciate it! Thanks!

Also, considering I have been without internet for over a week, anything Andrew needs to be aware of or see (re: posts, owls, comments, etc!) please let me know. I will be going through and reading everything through out the day as is, but just so something doesn't get overlooked.

6th Aug, 2009


Al/Rita from last week is done and posted :)

2nd Aug, 2009



SO there's a community [info]illwindcalendar set up now for calendar/plot posts, and August is rearing to go. If you've run the friend button for our new kids, you should be able to see it--I've been sending community invites but I extended the outstanding ones, lol.

At any rate, it is HERE and you all SHOULD READ IT AND PARTICIPATE. :D

1st Aug, 2009


Hey just a heads up on what Robyn & I decided. (Here at the Alecto/Cissa thread from a week or so ago that we just posted.)

We're bringing Amycus back from "somewhere in Europe" since that is starting to make less and less sense as time wears on. His twin sister gets in trouble, and he's just randomly in Europe? Doens't work anymore. So, Amycus is coming back to England to be Narcissa's body guard for the time being. He'll basically be an NPC that will be used so that Narcissa doesn't have to stay cooped up in the manor all the time, and so that Alecto can at least reference seeing her brother instead of not knowing where he is.

However, if someone wants to consider picking him up, especially with this new super-interesting plot, please PLEASE feel free. :) I'll throw in cookies or something.

~ Anna

31st Jul, 2009


Hey guys! Sorry if you have to read this more than once!

So now that I'm done with my term paper (srsly turned in 2 minutes before it was due!) I'm headed out to my parents place. They don't have internet anymore (they don't actively live in this house anymore) so I'll be unavailable for the most part (hooray for my bberry!) Please feel free to message me on AIM!mobile - I'll need the distraction.

I'll be back Sunday morning (hooray!) and then I've got 3 days before J and I head out on vacation. I'll be bringing my laptop, so I may be around, but as it's vacation, I have a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time poolside.

Anyway, love you all bunches!!!


So, I desperately want to thread Tilly.

Who wants to be the one to find Tilly in a pissed off state because her latest training session didn't go so well? It can either be at the Ministry or in Diagon Alley. Either way works for me!


hey guys. amanda here (severus snape, charity burbage, henry lowell) with my fourth character - the wonderful, fantabulous 28 year old gilderoy lockhart (which means he graduated in 1970). do not call him gayderoy, girlderoy, or roy, or gil for that matter. his whole name or nothing at all please. he's relatively neutral when it comes to politics. he doesn't really care about anything other than his own little world. sure, it's bad what these people are doing to the muggles, he supposes.

his mother recently died and so he is living in the stately home, partying and buying things. he's thinking of selling and going travelling though - he's pretty bored at the moment.

he's very nice, but won't think twice about stabbing you in the back. he's also a good liar and he's slightly in love with himself. he's always up for a bit of fun too, and if you pay him lots of nice compliments, he may just be your new best friend.

so he needs enemies, true friends that he actually cares about, the other kind of 'friends', and perhaps a few exes (he is indeed gay, but he doesn't like to shout it from the rooftops if you know what i mean) which can be girls or boys. anyone? :D my aim is mon nander if you want to drop me a line and his full profile is here.

30th Jul, 2009


Just wanted to make a small announcement that I have a new personal journal!
So feel free to go over to [info]pedant and add meh!


26th Jul, 2009


I'm back :D Someone wanna fill me in on anything important that I missed?

24th Jul, 2009


Hullo! Sorry if you read this more than once, but I'm heading down to Boston Saturday morning and I won't be back until Monday night. I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to have any internet access at all and I won't have my phone. I'm going to be completely cut off from the world! Feel free to put my characters where ever you need them and if you need to get in touch with me you can shoot me an email and I will try to steal hotel internet if I get a chance.

Cheers and I will see you all on Monday!




All right, so I'm officially back from hiatus. I HAD SO MUCH FUN :DDDD

But now I am home, SO! If you could kindly direct me to things that need my attention D: *FEELS BEHIND* Leave me a link and who you need pls. Or IM me. *SCURRIES TO CATCH BACK UP*

23rd Jul, 2009


Here's a log from two and a half weeks ago that we finished tonight. This log portrays a date by Rabbit & Italy to a local restaurant.

22nd Jul, 2009


Sorry to anyone whose in any other game with me, because they'll have to see this more than once. I'll be gone from Thursday to Sunday, with very limited internet from my phone, if any, seeing as the internet on my new phone doesn't seem to like IJ as much as the old one (which would make a little sense, if the new phone wasn't a replacement for the old phone of the same model?) Anywho, I'll try to check the flist, but no promises that I can reply to much.

Cassie (Lucius and Selene)


It seems as though I am jumping on a bandwagon here by changing my current AIM screen name, which I freely admit is very uncreative. I had no desire to use creativity when naming it but later I realized how much I hated my selection.

Anyway, my new one is calledtoliberty, which references the events surrounding the American Revolution, my favorite period in history by far. Oh and here's a link for my CDJ in case some of you folks might want to add me.

If any of you are interested in plotting with my boys, please contact me. I like interaction, especially random ones.

- Caleb (Rabbit/Moody/Arthur/Charles)

21st Jul, 2009


ATTN Dark Army characters!

It's getting close to that time again! Yes, the Quibbler. But this time, I need help. Xeno is printing a "correction" to his original article about the Dark Army, considering he now has real facts to go by because of Arthur. And Arthur also suggested that Xeno do research that finds out what the dark creatures weaknesses are and print that. Xeno thinks that's a great idea and wants to run with it.

So here's where the dark army players come in: what are everyone's weaknesses? Which version of your dark creature is HP cannon, as in what weaknesses are you sticking with? We got the sliver for werewolves (anything else?), but vampires & hags I need specifics. (Essa the banshee waves, I got her under control!)

So let me know, please before next week so I can get started on the August Quibbler.

Oh and Becca & Amanda, this is your Quibbler reminder too! ;)


(Belatedly) Introducing Andrew Mulciber.

So I have a confession to make: I joined the game when my life turned crazy. It's all good, and will settle down shortly, but that is why it has taken this long to make an intro (I STILL have to find or make icons >>)

Andrew Mulicber...
1) Used the entrail expulsion hex on Mary McDonald during their 5th year. It was during his whole bad boy phase, aka often skipping classes, not doing his homework, and etc... (he was found in detention frequently during this) She got assigned to tutor him, he hated her for her blood status, and eventually he nearly killed the girl.
2) Was kicked off the Quidditch team, banned from watching the games, and banned from hogsmeade weekends after this (for the rest of his schooling) -- as well as having detention daily for the rest of his 5th year, and very closely monitored during 6th and 7th years --- he ended up spending that entire time burying himself in studies and ended up doing remarkably well on OWLs and NEWTs.
3) Has an almost obsessive personality -- when he gets into a phase he goes all in.
4) Is the older brother to Madeline Mulciber; and she means the most to him in this world at this moment.
5) Works at the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Magical Creatures, as an Executioner for Dangerous Beasts.
6) Is a Death Eater and LOVES being a Death Eater. He believes in the cause, and he kind of enjoys causing pain to those who are a blemish in their could be perfect world (aka mudbloods)
7) The only son in the Mulciber family, thus the heir, and currently an eligible bachelor.
8) He shares a face with Jackson Rathbone. Mmm. Yummy.
9) Is very stubborn. When his mind is made up there is no changing it. First impressions on him last forever, because he simply does not allow his mind to be changed. When he chooses his alliance to someone or something, he sticks to it, undeterred, completely. This goes for friends, and also for his allegiance to the Dark Lord.
10) Will answer to Drew if his CLOSE friends or family call him that. Will not EVER EVER EVER answer to Andy.

Liz is:
1) A single mum!
2) Who has to work 4am shifts... (Temporarily.. SIGH I HATE THEM)
3) And is currently preparing to move SOON.
Hence the crazy life that will settle down pretty quickly once I AM moved... I can be reached at lolo plays games (AIM); or

Friends? Enemies? Exes? Future romances? Backstory? Future plots? I WANT IT ALL ;)

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