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inside the burrow (gameplay)

Our Burrow RPG
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[23 Jan 2016|12:08pm]

Who: Parvati and Padma
Where: Vati's flat
When: Sunday night, Jan 24
What: Padma helps Parvati get ready and baby proof the flat for the official arrival on Monday.
Rating: Uh, probably low?
Status: In progress

When Padma arrived, Parvati was standing in the middle of the living room, her weight on her good leg, looking around to decide where to put the change table. )

[19 Jan 2016|08:53pm]

Who: Megan Jones & Miles Bletchley
What: Miles gets into a fight, and it's Megan's job to break it up. Lucky, lucky Meg.
When: Tuesday night
Where: A pub (Pick a name, any name)
Rating: Do curse words get PG-13 or R? Uh, expect cursing.

Break it up )

[10 Jan 2016|07:22pm]

Who: Astoria Greengrass and George Weasley
What: Random encounters for the win!
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Sunday night

Winter weather can be absolutely horrible. )

[04 Jan 2016|08:37pm]

Characters: Alexander Higgs & Alicia Spinnet
Setting: 2 a.m. | Jan. 4 | The Prophet
Summary: Alicia catches the straight-laced editor drinking at the office.

Is five average attractiveness in the bell curve? )

Dec 15, 2005 (Backdated) [03 Jan 2016|08:35pm]

Characters: Megan Jones & Seamus Finnigan
Setting: 7pm | Dec 15, 2005 | Hog’s Head (backdated)
Summary: After this | Megan has some Ministry insights. Seamus is grumpy.

You ought to be glad you still know someone in the Ministry. Who else would tell you you’re the primary suspect in the Bones/Towler murder? )

[31 Dec 2015|04:03pm]

Who: Anyone!
What: New Years Eve Bash
When: December 31st to January 1st
Status: In Progress
Rating: It's alcohol and New Years, We'll see!

Dec 30, 2005 [30 Dec 2015|01:21am]

Characters: Seamus Finnigan & Minerva McGonagall
Setting: Hogwarts | Dec 30, 2005 | 12:15 PM
Summary: Seamus goes to Minerva with some... words.

I thought you said you had a family for him? )

[25 Dec 2015|11:41pm]

Who: Parvati
What: Narrative about Parvati accepting she'll never have kids of her own, and making a Big Decision about Wesley Bones
When: Boxing Day morning
Status: Complete Narrative, or open to Seamus
Rating: Low

She had to let go of this stupid hope that she was ever going to find someone who could repair her. That was what was keeping her lonely, and she knew it. )

[25 Dec 2015|10:17am]

WHO ❧ Katie Bell & Pansy Parkinson
WHAT ❧ Tea & Gifts
WHERE ❧ A cute little tea shop
WHEN ❧ TBD afternoon between Christmas and New Years
RATING | STATUS ❧ Low probably | Ongoing.
Tea Time with Pansy )

The 132nd Annual Rosier Yule Gala [22 Dec 2015|11:45pm]

Characters: All Characters!
Setting: Rosier Estate | December 22 | 6pm-midnight
Summary: Eating, Dancing, Mingling, Fun things!!

The 132nd Annual Rosier Yule Gala was something majority of high society and celebrity elite were anticipating )

RP: The Leaky Cauldron [14 Dec 2015|08:20pm]

Characters: Adrian | OPEN
Setting: Leaky Cauldron, Monday, 9 PM
Summary: Adrian got his arse kicked in practice and decides to blow off steam with a couple (or a few) drinks.

I'm getting too old for this. )

Dec 11, 2005 [11 Dec 2015|12:00am]

Characters: Open to All
Setting: Devonshire Bones Property Graveyard | Dec 11 | 4pm - 6pm
Summary: Memorial Services for Susan Bones & Kenneth Towler

The day was cold and bitter as a light rain drizzled throughout the day. )

Thursday | Dec 10, 2005 [10 Dec 2015|01:03pm]

Characters: Gale Rosier & Penelope Clearwater
Setting: Thursday. 10AM. Penelope's Office
Summary: Gale needs a hug.

Seeing her in the morning always added a kick to his heart and added a warm feeling to his aura. )

[09 Dec 2015|09:39pm]

Who: Parvati and Seamus, plus little Wesley Bones
Where: The Divine Eye
What: Seamus comes to visit Parvati with a baby and some desperation
When: Thursday, December 10, late evening
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

'Seamus? What's going on?' she said in lieu of greeting, concern heavy in her voice. )

Dec 9, 2005 [08 Dec 2015|10:30pm]

Characters: Alicia Spinnet & Percy Weasley
Setting: 32 Willow Road, Hampstead London | 8am | Dec 9, 2005
Summary: The news of Kenneth Towler's death hits everyone a little differently.

Today was a very bad day... )

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