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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[12 Jun 2008|02:30pm]

A PB based Post Hogwarts Harry Potter community

Set two years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Monde is a game which focuses on the social lives of Harry and his classmates. After Voldemort's defeat, his followers have either been imprisoned or gone into hiding, those that remain were acquited on technicalities. Those who opposed Voldemort are now working on rebuilding the Wizarding world. Years of uncertainty have taken their toll but the younger generation have all begun to put their lives back together. Some work at the Ministry while other pursue dreams of playing professional Quidditch. More than anything else, people just want to put the past behind them.

Created during the war to foster more efficient communication between departments, these magical journals have become a trend in recent years. A new feature was also added which provided for instant, private communication between two users.

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[12 Jun 2008|05:14pm]

= "The virtue of truth"
Opened JUNE 9TH 2008

The Backstory/The Plot/The Rules/The Application/The Character List

Veritas is a post-hogwarts AU (slightly) RPG taking place in the year 2003.

It had been expected that with Voldemort gone, everything would be sunshine and flowers.

Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case.

It is a search for the truth in a world where everything consists of layers.

Between a passive-aggressive ministry which has been imposing curfews on muggleborns and harrassing raids on purebloods, a charity organization led by Justin Finch-Fletchley
called "Wizards for Muggles" which actually is a front for an ominous agenda: Plan Equal is a recruitment agenda in which the WFM recruited halfbloods and muggleborns to woo specific purebloods in order to dilute pureblood blood lines, and a neo-deatheater movement known as the 'Renegades', life is, to say the least, not boring!

Currently, [info]veritaserum_rp is especially looking for:

HERMIONE GRANGER (Ron & Harry need you!)
C. WARRINGTON (For a big plot in the Plan Equal plot line!)
PADMA PATIL (Potential Harry/Padma plot available!)
Fred Weasley
Remus Lupin
Narcissa Malfoy

There are many characters left to be filled, especially ones in the pureblood dilution scheme + the neo-deatheater movement!

To see our complete character wanted list go: HERE

Especially wanted filled plotlines can be found HERE

For more information, email veritasmod@gmail.com

We'll be waiting. :)
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