HP Wankfest 2011


February 7th, 2011

wanking_mods @ 05:55 pm: Headers and Submission Info

For Fic:

For Art:

Some notes about the headers:

Character, Location, and Prop should be the ones you selected from the prompt table when signing up.

Other Characters is an optional place for you to list other characters (real or imagined) that are involved in your piece if you so choose.

Rating: Remember, as per the rules, all pieces should have at least an R rating.

Warnings: Please warn for any major squicks or an extreme kinks. You need not warn for things such as "explicit sexual situations" (duh) or "masturbation" (double duh). Don't feel that you must invent warnings; if your piece contains nothing extreme, simply leave this line out of your header.

Art Details is an optional place where artists may list additional details about their art such as media used, size of the art, etc.

Disclaimer is optional. You may include one if you wish; otherwise, leave it off.

Author's/Artist's Notes is an optional place for you to say anything else you'd like to mention about your piece or the creation thereof. Remember that this is an anonymous fest. Please do not list your betas by name or include any other obvious identifying information here. If you do, these will be removed by the mods until the fest is over.

Art Preview: is optional. Feel free to include one if you like.

In order to submit your piece:

Please send your piece as an attachment to the mods at wanking.mods@gmail.com. Fics should be sent as a .rtf or .doc file -- no Googledocs. If your fic requires any special formatting (bold, italics, etc.), be sure to include the appropriate HTML tags in your document. Art should be sent to us as well; we'll be hosting it for you. Make sure it's the size you want it to appear when posted.

We will begin accepting pieces any time. All fic and art is due Sunday, April 17, 2011.

We're looking forward to seeing what sort of wacky deviance you all come up with this time!

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