HP Wankfest 2011


January 31st, 2011

wanking_mods @ 05:50 pm: Here Be the Wanky Prompts Table!
Below the cut you'll find the big ol' table of prompts for HP Wankfest 2011. You can spend a little time alone with it before sign-ups begin. Those of you who were with us last time will likely notice quite a few new additions.

Is there something on the list that's leaving you scratching your head? Look it up in the HP Lexicon!

Also -- if you had your heart set on writing someone/something that doesn't appear on the list, shoot us an email. We don't want to leave anyone frustrated. ;)

And remember, sign-ups begin tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1 at noon U.S. Eastern time. Once again, rules and sign-up info are here.

Behold, the Prompts )

We're also going to give you the codes for the advertising banners again. Also, a few icons for your use. Pimp away! Tell your friends to be here to help celebrate National Masturbation Month or they'll be a bunch of lonely, unhappy wankers in May!

Ad Banners and Icons )

Who's excited?! :D

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