Mar. 2nd, 2010


Three of Hearts

Title: Three of Hearts
Rating: R
Established Pairing: James/Lily
Infidelity Pairing: Sirius/Lily
Word Count: 2,538
Summary: James/Lily, Sirius/Lily, maybe Sirius/James; it was all in fun, a night with too much liquor where the forbidden happens – and could have long lasting consequences.
Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J. K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
A/N: Many thanks to Shannon and Sab for the beta.

Three of Hearts

Nov. 30th, 2008


Fic: Rose Tint My World (Sirius/Lily; PG-13)

Title: Rose Tint My World
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy
Established Pairing(s): Lily/James
Infidelity Pairing Lily/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Um, fluffy/darkish/angst?
Word Count: 2,300~
Warnings: impending/ implied infidelity
Notes: HP/ Rocky Horror Picture Show combination. Not a true crossover as it's HP characters dressing as RHPS characters. Opening uses wording directly from RHPS.
Comments and Concrit: Are always welcome.
Thanks [info]plynn78 for the fantastic beta. Twice even!

Aug. 16th, 2008


Fic: Nice Day for a White Wedding (Sirius/Lily, NC-17)

Title: Nice Day for a White Wedding
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Established pairing(s): James/Lily
Infidelity pairing(s): Sirius/Lily (with some Lily/Alice in Sirius's mind)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP, some angst
Word Count: ~5,200
Warnings: Wedding-day infidelity. :)
Summary: On a stealth mission to retrieve the groom's cuff links from the bride's dressing room, the best man finds something he was not expecting.
Notes: Written for the Sept. 2006 "lingerie" prompt at [info]daily_deviant. Reposted here in an attempt to get all my adultery fic in one place. :)

( Nice Day for a White Wedding ) - link goes to DD

Jun. 20th, 2008


Fic: Inebriation (Lily/Sirius, Regulus/Sirius, NC-17)

Title: Inebriation
Author: Envinyatar
Established pairing(s): James/Lily
Infidelity pairing(s): Lily/Sirius (main), Regulus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Genre: drama/angst
Word Count: ~4,300
Highlight for Warnings: *first time, adultery, incest, shower!sex, wall!sex, UST, biting, underage, pregnancy*
Summary: Lily would hesitate to call Sirius Black her first love. She would call him her first, most magnificent fuck, maybe, or her first experimentation, but if it came down to it she would deny any sort of emotional attachment.
Notes: Written for [info]opheliet as a pinch-hit for the hp_rarities exchange. Inspired by Three Days Grace's "Wake Up".


Jun. 6th, 2008


ART: Handyman (Sirius/Lily), R

Title: Handyman
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Established pairing(s): James and Lily (implied)
Infidelity pairing(s): Sirius and Lily (subjects)
Rating: R
Genre: Ummmm... er. I don't know if this has a genre! Suggestions?
Art Media: Photoshop
Warnings: Well, infidelity, obviously ;). Pregnant girl parts. Cartoonish boobs. Quick and rough execution; unrefined.
Summary: James really should have stayed to help put the crib together, because it's all too clear to Lily that Sirius is not put off by the changes pregnancy has made to her body.
Notes: Man, how d'you show infidelity in one picture of two people, and not just "a pairing"? This is just a quickie drawn last night because the new asylum got me thinking :).

Bigger breasts. What's not to like? )

November 2012




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