February 28th, 2009

[info]snegurochka_lee in [info]hp_unfaithful

Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire Challenge Masterlist

That's a wrap, folks! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire HP_Unfaithful Challenge, from the prompt-leavers to the prompt-claimers, lurkers, writers, artists, and everyone who has left some feedback.

The masterlist is under the cut. If you haven't completed your claim yet, never fear. You can post it whenever it's done, and if you leave me a link here, I'll add it to the list. See? No pressure. Laissez-faire. :)

Meanwhile, we still have an awful lot of good prompts listed in the original prompt-claiming post. They are free and up for grabs now for anyone who needs an infidelity bunny or two. Credit to this comm would be nice, if you take one and end up using it, but no need to sign up for them anymore.

Please do browse the masterlist and catch up on any fic or art you might have missed – both at LJ and IJ. The art and stories are listed in order posted, because I am not adept enough at either the alphabet or pairings to have made it more specific. :) (Actually! I debated splitting it by slash/het/femslash, but in fact – and this warms my pansexual, label-defying heart – most stories would not have fit in those types of categories. Hurrah for non-categorisation!) Let me know if I've missed your piece here.

Pairings are listed with the established pairing(s) first and the infidelity pairing(s) second.

Finally, authors and artists always love to get feedback on their pieces, if you see something you like.

Masterlist! )

Thanks for playing! We'll have to do this again sometime. :)

~ [info]dracofiend and [info]snegurochka_lee

November 2012



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