January 9th, 2009

[info]snegurochka_lee in [info]hp_unfaithful

Prompt-claiming now open!

Thanks to everyone who left prompts for us over the past week for our Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire HP_Unfaithful Challenge! We've now compiled both the LJ and IJ prompts and sorted them into the vague categories you see below.

Claiming is now open! Here's how it works:

1. Prompt claiming: January 9 – 16. Follow the link at the bottom of THIS POST to stake your claim at LJ (numbered for both your convenience and ours; please cite the number you want). Only one claim at a time, please (unless you'd like to combine some of the single-word prompts). All prompts are open to multiple claims, so you can claim a prompt that has already been claimed by someone else. Because this is not meant to be a gift exchange, prompts are listed without the prompter's name. For that same reason, these prompts are for inspiration only. If you want to change any element of them to suit your story or art, feel free!

2. Posting: Any time through February 26. Please post to the comm when you're ready! We won't chase you down if you don't finish, but obviously we'd like it if you did. The point of this challenge, after all, is to create and post more infidelity-themed HP fic and art. :)

3. Master list: February 28. For your orderly enjoyment.

Please refer to our userinfo for full community rules and posting guidelines. In sum: het, slash, femslash and gen are all allowed, any length, any rating and any kink, crack or angst, as long as infidelity is the major theme. Fic and art are both adored! You may post at either the LJ comm, the IJ comm, or both.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Click here to read THE PROMPTS and make your claim at the LJ post.

(Sorry for the inconvenience, but this will keep me from going nuts trying to update the claims list on both sites. :)

November 2012



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