The Potterverse Tarot Fest

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-Original Waite meanings (PDF download)

August 29th, 2008

12:32 am - The World: Harry's Triumph

Author: venturous1 (venturous on IJ)
Type: Art - pencil, marker, photoshop and the Andromeda galaxy courtesy of apod
Main character or Pairing: Harry Potter
Card: The World
Card Interpretation: The World: As the last of the major arcana, the Universe represents the height of a progression. Ascension. Opening to a higher dimension. Culmination and synthesis. Enlightenment. Attaining a broader view of life. Moving beyond the personal to become aware of the interconnected nature of life. Harmony and perfection. Peace and freedom of thought. Inspiration and comprehension. Ecstasy. Glimpses, however brief, of the great mysteries of life. Being able to appreciate the larger scene or patterns in life. Faith. Epiphany. A heightened sense of being alive. Enjoying life and anticipating its curves. Unencumbered by the trivial. Being in control of one¹s fate. Intelligence. Independence. Determination and stability. Strength and enthusiasm. Intuition and spiritual heights. Crowning achievement. Reward and promotion. Graduation. Lasting happiness. Purpose. Confidence. Completion.
Rating: PG for nudity
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, Warner Brothers, Scholastic Publishing and others. This is a derivitive work of  fan art. Only appreciation, celebration and respect is intended, not copyright infringement.
Warnings: non-sexual nudity
Summary: When I read this interpretation of the card, there was no mystery who and what this should be. I apologize for the lateness of my submission, but I really took on more than I could handle with this, the Ultimate card.

Author Notes: Thanks to Ravenna C. Tan for including me in the fest, and my loyal art betas Z, LBB and my RL friends who put up with my fandom obsessions. I love you all.


Current Mood: [mood icon] accomplished

*22 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

August 28th, 2008

12:16 pm - Art (Part 2/2): Three of Cups and Three of Swords
My apologies for this being a touch late, apparently be relaxing and thinking I had plenty of time, whilst making me more relaxed about the art, made me fail about the timing!

Part 1 is HERE, I'd recommend looking at those first, as they do follow on. If you want to read the (vague) story outline I created these images from, see the cut at the bottom.

Title: Research and Longing
Artist: [info]angelbabecj
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry, Snape/Draco
Rating: G/PG
Disclaimer: The characters depicted belong to JK Rowling amongst others, I'm not claiming anything but the situation I've put them in.
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry helps Snape and Draco research Snape's defence from trial. Harry is a little jealous.
Cards Drawn: N/A
Artist Notes: My thanks, as before, to [info]lilydahlia and [info]ravenna_c_tan

Title: Three of Cups
Artist: [info]angelbabecj
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry, Snape and Draco
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters depicted belong to JK Rowling amongst others, I'm not claiming anything but the situation I've put them in.
Warnings: None
Cards Drawn: Three of Cups
Card Interpretation: Friendship and sharing. Deep connections, and celebration. The three cups are being held aloft in celebration by people from diferent backgrounds or cultures, working together while keeping their individuality.
Artist Notes: Thanks to [info]lilydahlia and [info]ravenna_c_tan as before. Also, if you can't make it out Harry's cup has a phoenix on it, Draco's an 'M' and Snape's is meant to show hidden depths. I see the closeness they've developed preparing Snape's defence, whilst being individuals due to backgrounds, despite their similarities.

Title: Three of Swords (reversed)
Artist: [info]angelbabecjType: </b> Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Snape/Draco or Drapery
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters depicted belong to JK Rowling amongst others, I'm not claiming anything but the situation I've put them in.
Warnings: Implied nudity and sexual situations
Summary: Draco and Snape weren't oblivious, or against the longing!
Cards Drawn: Three of Swords, reversed.
Card Interpretation: The usual symbol for this card is a heart, pierced by three swords. Reversed, however, it may refer to a release from sorrow or depression. I've slightly twisted the meaning, Harry's sorrow was that he couldn't be part of Draco and Snape's relationship, k? Also Ravenna mentioned to me she sees Slytherins as swords, which I can certainly see, and I associate Harry with the Sword of Gryffindor, hence their are three swords in the picture!
Artist Notes: As ever, my thanks to [info]lilydahlia and [info]ravenna_c_tan for the resolution change and encouragement, and the original reading respectively.

Here's the story... )

*2 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

August 18th, 2008

06:33 pm - FIC: Goodnight, Moon (Part II)
Title: Goodnight, Moon (Part II)
Length: ~11,000
Main character or Pairing: Harry (& Teddy Lupin); Harry/Snape side-plot
Rating: soft R
Summary: When Harry finds out Teddy's inherited more from Remus than his love for books, he is forced to make some difficult decisions. But what happens when his dedication gets a little out of hand? Will he lose the people he loves most?
AN: See Part I for full header.

Goodnight, Moon: Part II )

*11 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

06:31 pm - FIC: Goodnight, Moon
Title: Goodnight, Moon
Author: [info]lotrwariorgodss
Type: Fiction
Length: ~11,000
Main character or Pairing: Harry (& Teddy Lupin); Harry/Snape side-plot
Cards/Card Interpretation:
Five of Pentacles, meaning "Drained resources; exhaustion; struggling to stay afloat while searching for relief; fighting to keep morale and energy levels up; temporary hardship."
Ten of Swords, meaning "Sudden and unexpected failure or disaster; learning from past mistakes; a power beyond your control that humbles you without warning or mercy."
Eight of Cups, meaning "Turning away; giving up; abandoning a dream; choosing to sacrifice in order to make a clean break and start afresh elsewhere"
Rating: soft R
Disclaimer: Anything recognizable isn't mine, it belongs to Jo and WB and whoever else has a legal claim.
Warnings: Inadvertent psychological/emotional/physical abuse of a child, language, allusions to sexual activities (between consenting adults), umm angst? (put it this way – it's not the happiest in the world, but I doubt it'll make you cry)
Summary: When Harry finds out Teddy's inherited more from Remus than his love for books, he is forced to make some difficult decisions. But what happens when his dedication gets a little out of hand? Will he lose the people he loves most?
Author Notes: This story is DH-compliant (EWE), though obviously someone survived a certain snake-attack. Big thanks to my beta - [info]backstgartist. More detailed author's notes can be found here.

Goodnight, Moon )

*Read the Cards*

August 11th, 2008

08:52 am - Art: Deathly Hallows Spread
Title: Deathly Hallows Spread
Artist: [info]raitala
Type: Art

Main character or Pairing: Severus Snape, Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not intend any infringement of copyright on these characters. This work is for fun not profit.
Warnings: Character Death

Summary: A Spread of three cards encapsulating three key turning points in Book 7.
Cards Drawn: X Swords - VII Swords - The Magician

Card Interpretation:

X Swords: The arbitrary and painful end (you're telling me!).

VII Swords: Danger expressed as deceitfulness, cunning and insincerity.

The Magician: The masculine, active principle, impulse-giving power, intuition and the creative spirit.

Artist Notes: Watercolour

Draw the cards )

*17 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

August 10th, 2008

12:39 am - ART: Six of Wands, Queen of Pentacles and Death (PG)
Artist: [info]sugareey
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry and Draco
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. All credits go to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic, Warner Bros., and all the others involved to make the Potterverse possible.
Cards Drawn: Reversals of Six of Wands, Queen of Pentacles and Death
Artist Notes: It's a bit early for the start of week two, but this is the only time I can post today. So, I hope you enjoy all the cards!

Title: Time Wastes Away
Main character or Pairing: Draco
Summary: Draco feels like he doesn't have enough time to make reparations with Harry due to their long-time rivalry.
Cards Drawn: Six of Wands (Victory)
Card Interpretation: Represents an important element of the past. When reversed: Arrogance and dangerous overconfidence as the result of a past success. Impudence and false pride in meaningless achievements. Fear of failure coupled with false hopes. Frustration over indefinite delays and motion without progress.

Title: Fire and Ice
Main character or Pairing: Harry and Draco
Summary: As similar as these two are, there is so much that sets them apart.
Cards Drawn: Queen of Pentacles
Card Interpretation: Represents a deciding element of the present. When reversed: The dark essence of earth behaving as water, such as ice: A cold but generous host, driven by an overwhelming need for to accumulate and maintain opulence. A person so preoccupied with wealth and security that they can never stop to enjoy either. One who reflects the weaknesses of others, breeding suspicion and mistrust.

Title: One Last Wish
Main character or Pairing: Harry
Summary: Harry wants to take a moment to appreciate everything before it's too late.
Cards Drawn: Death
Card Interpretation: represents a critical element of the future. When reversed: Stagnation or petrifaction. The refusal to let go of the past. Resistance to change because of fear.

*3 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

September 23rd, 2007

11:02 pm - FIC: King of Swords - HP/SS Death Sentence Part 1
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cyane_snape)

Title: Death Sentence
Author: Cyane Snape
Type: Fiction; Drama with tiny moments of humor.
Length: 27,207 words
Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Card: The King of Swords
Card Interpretation: "He is the power of life and death, by virtue
of his office." [Waite]
Rating: R – for violence and language
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter, its characters and settings are the copyrighted works of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, and anyone else with legitimate rights. No profit is being made by this site or the authors it houses, nor was any malice intended in any way, shape or form. Due to the nature of this fic, this author will not be held responsible for any underage readers who may come across this. Please observe any warnings, ratings and any legal ages of consent for your part of the world.All fictional characters are fictional adults in the fictional land that they live in and they're not having sex anyway.
Warnings: (DH spoilers, violence, language, sort of pre-slash, no dirty sex this time, characters exploring the dark side, AU – begins near the end of DH; Character death - not Harry or Severus)

Summary: How far would you go to protect everything you believed in? And what if you had been deceived all along?
Author Notes: God bless Gavilan, my beta. She is the greatest sounding board and grammarian not to mention giving clarity to my visions. She has suffered through two vacations and many discussions in restaurants while I tried to make sense of this. Also, one section* at the beginning is based upon a scene in the forest at the end of DH. You’ll recognize it. And I use a line from the movie “Network” [I’m mad as hell…]**

The amazing art related to this fic is by artisticentropy.
King of Swords

Death Sentence, Part 1 )
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*Read the Cards*

10:32 pm - FIC: King of Swords - HP/SS Death Sentence Part 3
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cyane_snape)

Title: Death Sentence
Author: Cyane Snape
Type: Fiction; Drama with tiny moments of humor.
Length: 27,207 words
Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Card: The King of Swords
Card Interpretation: "He is the power of life and death, by virtue
of his office." [Waite]
Rating: R – for violence and language
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter, its characters and settings are the copyrighted works of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, and anyone else with legitimate rights. No profit is being made by this site or the authors it houses, nor was any malice intended in any way, shape or form. Due to the nature of this fic, this author will not be held responsible for any underage readers who may come across this. Please observe any warnings, ratings and any legal ages of consent for your part of the world.
Warnings: (DH spoilers, violence, language, sort of pre-slash, no dirty sex this time, characters exploring the dark side, AU – begins near the end of DH)
Summary: How far would you go to protect everything you believed in? And what if you had been deceived all along?

Death Sentence,Part 3 )
Current Mood: [mood icon] accomplished
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*Read the Cards*

March 21st, 2007

12:43 am - ART: 6 of Wands
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]vainasyoulike) Title: 6 of Wands
Author: [info]vainasyoulike
Type:  Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny
Card: 6 of wands
Card Interpretation: My own; "Victory - success is fortold in any venture. You may have to work for it , but you will achieve a greater victoy than you expect."
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing and no-one, someone called JK Rowling does apparently
Warnings: Bad pic/paint job
Author Notes: My scanner decided that now was a good time to go on strike, so I had to photo it ¬.¬ so do excuse the badness of it at the moment, but as soon as my scanner gets in gear I'll post a better pic.

Current Location: Not at work WOOP
Current Mood: [mood icon] blah
Current Music: McFly - Bubblewrap
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*Read the Cards*

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