The Potterverse Tarot Fest

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August 19th, 2008

09:35 pm - Fic: "Even Old Dogs can Learn New Tricks" (Lucius Malfoy, R)
Title: Even Old Dogs can Learn New Tricks
Author:Melfina the Blue
Type: Fiction
Length: 4700 words
Main character or Pairing:Lucius Malfoy (mostly through the eyes of Draco)
Rating: R
Canon compliancy: Non-Epilogue compliant
Disclaimer:I own nothing. JKR and WB own everything and I am not making any sort of profit from this.
Warnings: Mention of physical and sexual child abuse, fistfights, cursing, and murder
Summary: Draco gets married and learns a few things about Lucius.
Cards Drawn:Hermit, 10 of Pentacles, and the Tower. Exploding cards were 3 of cups, ace of pentacles, 10 of pentacles reversed, 6 of swords, ace of wands reversed, king of cups reversed, and the star .
Card Interpretation: The Hermit signified someone at a crossroads, someone trying to figure out who they were, and also how to be part of a greater whole after being alone. The knight of pentacles was everyone coming together, success within your grasp. And the Tower was the doom that could befall you if you failed to pay attention to the lessons of your past. The exploding cards became images and characters.
Author Notes:Many thanks to Zephre, who helped me figure out what the heck I was doing.
”Story )

The Afterword:
I struggled quite a bit with how to connect three very distinct parts in a thematic whole, as well as how to incorporate the exploding cards into the fic. Two of them were fairly obvious. The Ten of Pentacles became Abraxas, and the Star was Narcissa. For the rest, I ended up trying to incorporate their images either into various characters or just referencing the images themselves. The 3 of cups became the merfolk-themed engagement party, the reversed King of Cups became Lucius' lust for power, and the Six of Swords became Harry Potter and his grief and anger over Ginny's betrayal. The Ace of Pentacles was a bit more difficult, and ended up becoming Lucius' ability to use his money to get what he wants

*4 spreads* | *Read the Cards*

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