The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 19th March 2007

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-PadfootMK's Pensieve HP Tarot
-Original Waite meanings (PDF download)

March 19th, 2007

01:08 pm - Your thoughts please?
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

There are two weeks to go in the [info]hp_tarot Fest, and I am starting to think about how to post the master list at the end. Could those of you who care let me know what would work best for you as readers? I want the fics and art to be seen by the most people possible, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this.

- Do it by card order and suit
- Do it by ship or main character
- Do it by rating
- Do it by some combination of the above such as....?

One thought I had was to use the claiming table template and just put links in to all the appropriate fic and art, but doing it by ship might make it easier for people to find what they want to read?

EDIT: All right, it looks like the overwhelming preference is for card order and suit. And we'll *also* go and tag everything appropriately, with ships, ratings, and such, so that people who just want to find all the pieces with a certain ship or character can also do it that way. In fact, I ought to start doing that now probably... :)

*Read the Cards*

03:31 pm
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]crucio_4_coffee)

Title: The Devil
Author: [info]crucio_4_coffee
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Lord Voldemort
Card: The Devil
Card Interpretation: ""a bondsman, sustained by the evil that is in
him and blind to the liberty of service." also, "Magic which affects
the material plane, for good or ill.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: No money is being made from this work of fan art. This character is the property of JKR.
Warnings: none
Summary: Lord Voldemort transfering his soul into a horcrux.
Author Notes: I wanted to try to capture him during the time where the attractiveness of his youth was starting to fade and melt due to his misuse of magic and abuse of his soul. Done with guache, prismacolor markers, and Serif Photoplus.

Click through the image to make it larger

*Read the Cards*

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