The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 18th March 2007

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March 18th, 2007

02:09 am - HP Tarot Week Four Wrap Up
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

Here are the contributions we had in Week Four of the [info]hp_tarot Fest!

Please remember, comments are love!

[info]ciceronian_00 contributed Knight of Swords, fic

[info]kastra contributed Death, art

[info]myfeetareugly contributed Death, fic

[info]artisticentropy contributed King of Wands, art

[info]quill_lumos contributed The Empress, fic

[info]luredbyvenus contributed Five of Swords, art

[info]laverinth contributed The Fool, art

[info]snottygrrl contributed Eight of Coins, fic

We've got two weeks plus a few days left to go, with lots and lots of great fic and art on the way, too.

*Read the Cards*

09:43 pm - fic: nine of cups
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]el_em_en_oh_pee)

Title: queen of spades
Author: [info]el_em_en_oh_pee
Type: fiction
Length: one-shot; 1205 wc.
Main character or Pairing: Hannah/Pansy
Card: nine of cups.
Card Interpretation: the nine of cups is often seen as the 'wish card'. ( The man on the Nine of Cups reminds me of "the cat who ate the canary." Now, a canary is a pet strictly off limits to hungry felines. Any cat who manages to catch one is going to feel pretty smug about it. This is the feeling tone of the Nine of Cups - pure indulgence and self-satisfaction.
At the physical level, the Nine of Cups is a sign of delight in all the senses. Sights, sounds, tastes, feelings. This card encourages you to seek out pleasure and enjoy your body in every way. You can commune with the natural world as well - the body of Mother Earth. She, too, delights in sharing her abundance.
At the personal level, the Nine of Cups indicates contentment with the way things are. Notice how the man is seated confidently with his arms folded and a smile on his face. He has everything he wants and couldn't be happier about it. "See all my cups!" he seems to say. "Aren't they great?"
Sometimes it's wonderful to sit back and revel in the knowledge that all's right with the world. But a word of caution. You may be tempted to indulge yourself at the cost of someone else (like our mischievous cat!). This may feel great at the time, but sooner or later the feathers around your mouth will be discovered, and regret will set in. Pursuit of pleasure without regard to consequences is never satisfying in the long run.
In many tarot traditions, the Nine of Cups is known as the Wish Card. It shows your wish will come true. A wonderful prospect, but remember your fairy tale lessons. You must be sure you know what you really want and accept the responsibilities that go with your wish. If that is the case, then enjoy your good fortune!
). I have taken liberty with that interpretation.
Rating: R-ish
Disclaimer: I do not own hp, any of the mentioned movies, or any of the characters in either. Also, there is a line from a Regina Spektor song in here, which I likewise claim no ownership of.
Warnings: darkness, infidelity, violence, knifeplay(ish), D/s(ish). This is probably one of the most twisted things I've written in awhile.
Summary: They watch movies every weekend. Hannah finds herself taken by the thrill of the tense moments, attracted by the seconds of horror.
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]glastaigsyzygy for the beta! ♥. This also fits the prompts for a host of other things! I'll be using this also for the [info]femslash50 prompt Changes and the [info]hpfanfic10x10 Hufflepuff/Slytherin prompt faith

queen of spades )

Current Mood: [mood icon] shocked
Current Music: "aguas de marco" -- astrud gilberto

*Read the Cards*

11:20 pm - Fic: For Those Left Behind, Ron/Draco, Ron/Harry, Ten of Swords
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]strickens_girl)

Title: For Those Left Behind
Author: Janet Lynn aka [info]strickens_girl
Type: Fic
Main Character or Pairing: Ron/Draco, mentions Harry/Ron
Card: Ten of Swords
Card Interpretation: Bottoming out or victim mentality. (from One meaning of the Ten of Swords is hitting rock bottom. When one disaster follows another, we feel devastated at first, but eventually we throw up our hands and laugh. It's so bad, it's funny! In films, the hero says, "What else could possibly go wrong?" and we know that's a signal for the bucket of water to fall on his head. When you see the Ten of Swords, know that the last bucket has fallen, and you can expect a turn for the better. This card can also show when you're in victim mentality. You're certain that the whole world is picking on you just to make your life difficult. I picture the man lifting his head and saying, "You think you've got it bad...a cut on the finger. I've got ten swords in my back...count 'em - ten!" Then he drops his head back down with a sigh. When we're in victim mentality, we think everything is horrible, hopeless and impossibly unfair.
Rating: Mature/Adults Only (R or so)
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, sad as that is. Gratefully using characters and likenesses for entertainment purposes.
Summary: After the final battle the in the Great War, Ron and Draco have to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.
Word Count: 4,292 - One off.
Author's Notes: Special thanks to my lovely sister, Steph, for the lovely and quick beta. Without her help, nearly all the spells would have been spelled wrong. *shakes head* Also, thanks to [info]ravenna_c_tan for inviting me to join. This has been wonderful. I hope you all enjoy.

Serenity is hard to find for those who are left behind. )
Current Mood: [mood icon] accomplished

*Read the Cards*

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