The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 20th March 2007

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March 20th, 2007

12:01 am - Art: "Contentment" - Ten of Cups, Harry/Ginny
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mudblood428)

Title: Contentment
Artist: [info]mudblood428
Type: Art - Graphite Pencil
Main Character or Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Card: Ten of Cups
Card Interpretation: (From claim table) "Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship."
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except the paper.
Summary: Voldemort now gone, Harry returns triumphant to the Burrow where reside his friends and family, free at last to be together with Ginny.
Artist's Notes: I saw a lot of interpretations of this card that included a rainbow, but rather than go the uber-colorful route, I chose graphite, as I think the simplicity of black on white conveys that pure state of "all is right with the world" better than if I'd used a wide palette. Like if I'd dug up an old photo of my grandparents in love, it's nostalgic. :)

Contentment: Ten of Cups )

Yay. :D

*Read the Cards*

10:34 am - Fic: "As Summer Rushed In" - Ten of Cups, Harry/Draco
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]anthimaeria)

Title: As Summer Rushed In
Author: [info]anthimaeria
Type: Fiction
Length: 1789
Main Character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Ten of Cups
Card Interpretation: Lasting happiness and security, perfect love and concord between people. A peaceful and secure environment.
Rating: Hard R
Disclaimer: All characters are the copyrighted works of J.K Rowling. No profit was made by the writing of this story, nor was any malice intended in any way, shape or form to the author.
Warnings: Established relationship, PWP, fluff, foodplay.
Summary: Draco discovers that his new home with Harry isn’t such a grim old place after all.
Betas: There is no way I could have brought this to finished form without the able assistance and invaluable suggestions of [info]crucio_4_coffee and [info]frayach.
Author Notes: Set in the Spark, Tremble & Sigh universe, a few weeks before the events of White Lace & Dragon Meat. No need to read the series first.

Harry was all he’d ever wanted, and now he had him, heart and body. )
Current Mood: [mood icon] happy

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