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Mar. 26th, 2008


Happy Springsmut, tourniquette!

Author: [info]caelianokawaii
Recipient: [info]tourniquette
Title: We Are Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): evil!Lucius/Hermione, Hermione/Lord Voldemort, Severus/Hermione(implied), many others!
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: His breath ghosted over her shoulder as he whispered menacingly, "I assure you, Granger. I take no pleasure in what I am about to do. I have no wish to dirty my body with the filth that coats your blood."
Warnings: AU-ness (Voldie won! And some deaths are not DH compliant), Non-con, dub-con, Latin, allusion to torture, small bit of blood/knife play, mindfuckery, and general distaste for Weasleys.
Word Count: 10,300
Author's Notes: Thank you SO much to my wonderful beta, W. She took a coagulated blob of pretty words and did a spring cleaning of epic proportions. Any mistakes here after are, naturally my own. And thank you also to the wonderful mods for being so very, very patient with me and my bothersome technology failures. You were amazing!

This was my first fest, my first smut, and—to be completely honest—my first fic. I wanted to give you everything you asked for, tourniquette, and I didn't want to disappoint. This began as something completely different but just progressed as my mind went on a tailspin of sorts. I really hope you enjoy it and that your spring is filled with flourishing Gurdyroots to keep those pesky Gulping Plimpies away!

We Are Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On )